...And what about every other country aside from the United States that happens to not be third world?
you know what...I am bored so I will play..........Is it safe to assume you have read some of the history on soccer?
Well here is a brief synopsis from what I have gathered down thru the years reading, talking to folks and just plain making shit up:
No one really knows where it started.
there are records of the Chinese and Japanese playing the game as far back as 1000 BC, or there abouts.
some how the game gets to England and is summarily banned for being "evil"
The English peasants don't care and continue to play it....why? because it is a CHEAP distraction to their incredibly mundane and hideous feudal lives, and no matter what they do the Crown is goingto behead, burn at the stake, draw and quarter, dis-embowel or otherwise dispatch them from this worldly realm anyway.
It grows in popularity in England......a few other places in Europe pick it up so as not to let the English get a corner on yet another activity...financial or otherwise.
Now here comes the important part that relates to the "third world" comment:
The British Empire which covered most of the world begins to export the game in the 1700's & 1800's to the poorer colonial holdings....(for some reason the exportation does not make it into or "catch on" in the North American colonies.......I consider this particular turn of events along with the French Fleet showing up at Yorktown as two of the more important and fortuitous events in American History....which in and of itself is quite remarkable seeing as how the British rarely forget/fail in the exportation department and the French routinely forget/fail to show up during times of armed conflict)
Why? because it is
cheap to export and set up and it seems to keep the natives from spearing, revolting and otherwise causing mischief for Queen (or King) and Country...and this is considered, at least by the British, to be a very good thing.
Hope that is clear enough for you as it relates to
my stance, opinion and thoughts. If not please refer to the last statement in my previous post (quoted below for your convenience) and have a wonderful Sunday.............
Just my take.......slam away, agree, have fun with it, and/or stick it up your ass and do soccer cheers.
makes no never-mind to me.....I gotta go groom my poodle and get my Chihuahua back from Taco Bell.

ps: ever wonder why the Brits did not export in mass Cricket? Or why it did not catch on? Because Cricket is phucking expensive and complicated to play.....same with golf (plus both sports are played with implements that could be turned, in a moment of uprising, into crude weapons.....think about it)......soccer is cheap and easily understood.....kick ball, run after it, put in big net..............and nothing in the sport can be used as a weapon....which leads to another thought....ever wondered about the "no hands rule" in soccer? Hand-eye coordination is very important in the training of military personnel (especially during the 17th-19th century) by teaching/popularizing a game amongst the colony natives that made it illegal to use ones hands, the British were depriving the locals of training in a much needed skill for self defense...the use of the upper body.......Culture is a powerful thing and Sport has been used to shape and alter Culture ever since folks decided to get the hell out of the caves and start living together in larger and larger communities.
One more thing: