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Entitlement gone amuck!


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Entitlement gone amuck!
« on: June 08, 2010, 04:08:16 PM »
This is the first I have heard of this. 12 children. 3 daddies. $2600 a month. And she still is being considered for custody?

Brother refuses custody of Angel Adam's 12 children
Staff file photo by PETER MASAAngel Adams sits with her attorney, Scott Horvat, during a May 18 court appearance.ADVERTISEMENT

By KEITH MORELLI | The Tampa Tribune

Published: June 8, 2010

Updated: 17 min. ago

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TAMPA - A sibling squabble over the weekend between Angel Adams, the embattled mother of 12 dependent children lost to foster care, and her brother has gummed up the process that is designed to get the mother and kids reunited.

A family court judge who jailed Adams and placed her children in foster care in April was poised to grant temporary custody to Adams' brother, Job Yulee, but it never got that far during a placement hearing this afternoon.

The children have been staying at a temporary shelter for foster children near Brandon and Adams, 37, has been living in a garage apartment on Yulee's property. Yulee lives in a three-bedroom house adjacent to the apartment.

Saturday, the children were taken to the home for a visit with Adams and during the visit she and Yulee got into a squabble, said Nicholas Allegretti, case manager with the Children's Home Society, which is working with the state with an eye toward reunification.

Allegretti told Circuit Judge Tracy Sheehan that the interaction between the children and their mother mostly was good on Saturday during the four-hour visit. They had gone into Yulee's home for haircuts and when they visited their mother in her garage apartment on the property, she refused to allow them back to see their uncle, Allegretti said.

"That really upset Job a lot," Allegretti said. The result the brother withdrew his offer to take the children in.

Adams attorney, Scott Horvath, said his client told him that the visit went well; that she thought the visit was for her, not necessarily her brother.

"She didn't realize she was upsetting Job," Horvath said.

Adams lost her children two years ago and they stayed with Yulee until she regained custody in the fall of 2009, so the expectation was that he and his home would again be suitable for the children.

Yulee, at a hearing last month, said he would be willing to take the children in while the embattled single-mother struggles to regain custody.

"Job has stepped away," Allegretti said. "He is not willing to work with mom. He does not feel the mother is willing to make changes or listen to anybody willing to help her."

Attending the 15-minute hearing on this afternoon – for the first time – were the three fathers of all the children, including Garry Brown Sr., the father of most of the children who is serving a prison sentence for drug dealing. He sat at the table in an orange jail jumpsuit, his hands in cuffs.

The children have stayed at A Kid's Place, since the end of April.

At that time, Adams was forced to move herself and her children into a single room at a rundown motel on East Busch Boulevard. She stirred a debate when she complained that the state and county were not doing enough to help her, even though she was drawing $2,600 a month in food stamps and cash assistance.

The situation grew more complicated in April when she refused to answer Sheehan's question of whether she was pregnant. The judge jailed her for contempt of court and the children were placed in foster care. The judge later released her.


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Five statements of WISDOM
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity, by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friends, is the beginning of the end of any nation.