Coach Chiz is the face of the program. Like he said - it is the head coach that gets fired when a team loses. His face belongs all over that bus.
But also note that not ONE player pictured on that bus is shown out of uniform - they are in FULL uniform - helmet and all. Unless you know their number, they could be any player. The point to be made is that once you get to Auburn, you are playing on a TEAM, wearing the SAME UNI, putting your team and your teammates FIRST. There is no LOOK AT ME once you get to Auburn - or most any school worth a shit - because except for the numbers, you all are just alike. One purpose. One FAMILY.
Not a coincidence that the recruits are all saying they love Auburn because of the sense of FAMILY. Some of them may have shitty family lives - coming to Auburn gives them a new family.
And either you follow the family rules, or Momma takes a shoe upside your head.