You might want to do a little research on the topic before you run your mouf next time.
You can start by reading the article to understand how they're attempting to use the Federal Election Commission in this situation. Wait, I know... That must be a lie.
Huh... How's he gonna keep dem powerful interests back? Under the cloak of "net neutrality", I'm guessing...

Ok, you're going to force me to talk to you like a child.
"Powerful Interests" = Telecom componies. They are attempting to "drown out the voices of ordinary citizens" by regulating the Internet.
The Government is NOT REGULATING THE INTERNET. They are REGULATING THE INTERNET PROVIDERS that ARE TRYING TO REGULATE THE INTERNET. It's that simple. You can be opposed to that if you prefer to be communist China, but for the love of God at least understand what you're talking about.
I've read the Wiki article before, and I agree that there is a lot of mis-information about what 'net neutrality' really is. However, this seems to me like the government trying to fix a problem that is basically non-existant. Anytime the government is looking to expand their role in our lives, I am automatically suspicious.
I'm with you on that. But what apparently no one here is getting, is that they are NOT EXPANDING THEIR ROLE IN OUR LIVES. They are preventing the INTERNET PROVIDERS from expanding their role in our lives. Your concerns would be valid if the government was doing what is being suggested in this thread, but they SIMPLY ARE NOT. They are protecting us against that happening.
I really don't get why that's hard to understand, and frankly it's frustrating that you people don't get it...