If you know how to shoot a gun, you can stop them with virtually any calibre. Center mass is center mass. They'll stop.
Well. He do got a point. If you use the right kind of ammo, then the 9 will be fine. FMJ is teh sucks against the crazy. A .45 does not really care what kind of ammo, it is just so big.
The son carried a 9 in Iraq. He claimed it was so he would have something to shoot himself with in case of capture. Said the FMJs went right through the crazy guys. Took too many rounds. But they were not allowed to use the good ammo. At home we do not have that ammo problem.
But for the most part, a 9 will keep the bad guy off of you.
I had to get the wife a Bearcat. Her hands have arthritis so bad she cannot squeeze a trigger or pull back a normal hammer. Not a lot of stopping power, but beats the shit out of pepper spray. And has no kick. She is comfortable with it and that is important. She can handle, cock, aim, and shoot without flinching or thinking. I would hate to be on the other end.
She is more alpha-male than many men.
<I reined the thread back in just for you GH2001>