I can believe that. tool Shelby champions for Redstone Arsenal/NASA/missile defense and I am grateful since I work in that field, but he has always had some liberal tendencies (as does McCain). Remember he wasn't always a member of the GOP.
While I am thinkng about this and maybe we need to start another thread, but I haven't seen a politician that I have been excited about in a long time. Jeff Sessions when I was younger, but that is about it. Maybe Duncan Hunter Jr and Boby Jindahl. Anyone else have anyone in mind?
I have always liked Mitt Romney as a candidate but he is never going to shake the albatross that is 'Romney-care' at this point in his career.
Paul Ryan and Rand Paul are both great rising stars in the GOP as is Bobby Jindahl. I also like Chris Cox who is running for a Congressional seat in Massachusetts (coincidentally, he's also the grandson of Richard Nixon).
GH, in my opinion (and I'm going to step on some toes here) you can add Huckabee to the GOP Clowns list. He may talk a hard line about crime but he's soft and fuzzy on being hard on criminals and I think that his appalling record of thinking serious offenders can be reformed and released is his proverbial albatross (in addition to him being a bigoted, provincial bumpkin).