We suck and don't want a beat down?
As for the family squabble...we took a phuking bath in the media for not playing the game. Far worse than anything that would have been said about Bowden/Bowden during the game. And that was before the intrawebs went global. God help us if we pulled that poop now.
my three reasons were made mainly in jest.....it is Friday and I am having fun........but:
on the first one yep...............it aint in the record books...AU did not want in the books...avoid the beat down.
My memory and yours on the media is a little different. That game was scheduled for one reason:
Tater-Tot v. PaPa.....Tater-Tot was gone so the premise for playing the game no longer existed.
As for the Media and "it could not have been worse".........my memory tells me different.......there were "stories" floating around that given all of pre-season to work up to it and all of game week to hype it......ESPN was going to do a real number on AU/Lowder and the rest of that bunch during the game and half-time.......it was not going to be pretty and could very well been very damaging. The media coverage that resulted from the pull-out was ugly but not damaging to the over-all health of AU or her athletics program........if you get what I am saying.
Again, this is my memory and me and My Benevolent Sponsor might have twisted things a bit........but i will always be of the opinion (based on what I think I know/remember) that not playing that game was absolutely the right thing to do.
Before you respond, please read the first line of this post once more..........its Friday have a good weekend