It's a beauty and McCurdy can sure make it talk. Will definitely spend some time with Cake now. Shall I assume you played one and were able to walk away from it? I'm no Danny Sheridan but I predict you will have this guitar by next summer. See, done!
That '59 LP like Green played was $239 back in the day. He sold it to Gary Moore who has since passed and now a very good player out of Dallas has it. I hate seeing collectors hoarding instruments that need to be played. Some dude was showing off three of them on the net.
Agree, it too pisses me off and I hate to see people that have family "heirlooms" hanging on the wall and not doing them justice by keeping them in shape. I have a neighbor with a '44 Gibson J-45 (best sounding acoustic guitar in the world IMO, there is a reason it's called the "workhorse") hanging on the wall collecting dust.

Check out some of the Cake stuff he is on. It's solid playing on his part. I did play on one and walked away, but it was with a tear in my eye as I did so. T'was better to have loved her for only a short time than to have never loved her at all. I assure you that I didn't do her justice as Mr. Atkins, Knopfler, McCurdy and several others do, but it was nice. I don't think I will buy one anytime soon, when Mini-AUT1 gets older and if he decides he wants to play and will stick with it, then I will give it some consideration. Until then my little Takamine G340SC and Epiphone Dot will have suffice.
Currently listening to
Pretty good solo, btw
Oh, and that bass line is absolutely wicked.