I will be involved tomorrow in a conference call with the US Army Accession Command based out of Fort Knox, KY. USAAC is responsible for recruiting and development of soldiers and a force behind the US Army All-American Bowl. We will be discussing the Shon Coleman Tribute Fund. I am not 100% sure what they have planned, but I intend to tell them that you guys are the driving force behind the success. It is because of y'alls willingness to step up to make a difference that has had the biggest impact. Thank you so much and please continue to spread the word to not just the Auburn Family, but anyone you know. Our SEC and other NCAA friends are also effected by this disease and if we come together to make a difference for even just one child...then this was far and beyond a success, however, I know that our efforts will have a lasting impact on the lives of many children across the country for a long time to come. Thank you again!!!
Spread the Word and make a forever difference in the lives of children today!!