I have been busier than a one armed paper hanger lately - seems like now EVERYONE is demanding mega-pollution indemnity in all their contracts.
Because I am incredibly far-sighted and feel like it is my job to always think of the worst case scenario, all of my contracts with my customers already have a protection for my company for catastrophic pollution and related fines and penalties - the customer eats it all, including costs of control and removal. It was easy to get before because "nothing ever happens...". Now? A duel to the death.
And on behalf of my operating entity (we have one subsidiary that is a producer, like BP) I am being a hardnosed bitch to my own subcontractors who expect me to go back and just give them blanket protection in their pre-existing contracts - should have thought of that back in the day, Skippy. I am not giving you shit now.
Power is a helluva drug.