She says that you should read a book on her bestsellers list, "10 easy steps to stop watching Foxnews."
I watch Fox news (the only news I watch), listen to Rush, Glenn Beck, and Jason Lewis and I still think the law is horribly written. It encourages racial profiling through asking for papers from people that might be illegal because they're hispanic. This is going to put a burden on local governments who are going to have to fight lawsuits for civil rights violations. The law also allows private citizens to bring lawsuits against local governments, when they don't think that the local government is enforcing the law. So that means that there's potential for one municipality to probably have to fight lawsuits coming from both sides multiple times. Sounds like a great law

Btw latinos are the safest and most efficient construction workers that I have ever been around when I was doing construction. My dad said, when he was a QC/Project Manager, he would rather have an entire workforce of latinos because he never had to say anything to their foremam about the quality of work, safety, or length of time it took to complete. He constantly had to bitch out all white workforces, who most of the time were on drugs, for shitty work, being unsafe, and taking entirely too long. Oh and by the way all these jobs were for the federal government so all those latinos were legal. Most of the latinos rode to work in the same truck, lived 10 deep in a one room apartment and didn't speak any english. Is that reasonable suspicion to stop them and ask people; who are paying taxes, actually taking pride in their work, and just trying to live the "american dream"; for papers just because they're hispanic and do things that society thinks illegal immigrants do?