I issue this challenge with total trust and faith that the Auburn family can rally together to get it done. I am challenging the Auburn family to raise 2500.00 by Sunday April 25. This will put the fund 3/4 of the way to our over all goal. For those of you that do not know, I am making a road march in honor of Shon Coleman and children with cancer in order to raise money for research at St. Jude. Click the link posted to read all about it!
...I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all...
Because Auburn men and women believe in these things...I believe we can accomplish THIS CHALLENGE with ease. Spread it to all who may be able to help. I Believe and Auburn and Love It!! War Eagle!!http://stj.convio.net/goto/wareagleshon(make it a chain e-mail, post on facebook, make flyers, pass on to the media, do what we do and let's make a difference for children!)