Chop - here's some sage advice from someone who's been hitched for 21 years.....RUN! RUN LIKE FUCKING HELL!
I am SO gonna tell your lovelly wife that you said that.
Congrats! Use these next 14 months to see if she will try to change you.
I'm going to shy away from the highly offensive rant I normally save for people who get engagement rings for Valentine's day and offer a simple congratulation. So, congrats Chopper.
Yep. So if it all goes to shit now, you cannot get that ring back. It qualifies as a gift. So if you'll just do what you are told and be a good boy, you won't have to worry about that.
Alright, let me be the first to say congratulations to you then. You get one vagina for the rest of your life. Real smart Chop. Way to work it through. I better get an the bachelor party.