Fucking dupe.
You mean like the climate change occurring on Mars? The same "climate change" that mimics what's happening here?
Why don't you fly your happy ass up there and see if you can get the martians to "go green" and reduce their carbon footprint.
Al Gore = PT Barnum. There's a sucker born every minute. And you're one.
You do realize that respected scientists who study the sun's activity report the lowest activity in quite a while. They suggest that if the pattern does not change, earth is in store for a prolonged period of frigid weather -- one that could rival the Little Ice Age that lasted 500 years and didn't end until around the time of the Civil War.
Global warming does not exist. Climate change (what there is) is cyclical, not something people created.
Global Warming does exist, stupid fuck. It's a fucking cycle. Did I say that people are creating it? NO. Two Summers ago, when it was hitting 114 degrees, it broke a record that was set back in the, I think, 30's. They didn't know what to call it back then, they just knew that it was hotter than a mutha fucka outside while they tended to their fields. Had Al Gore been around back then, he would've been screamin' "Global Warming" just like he was two or three years ago. Also, in the movie "Day After Tomorrow", IMO that's what is going on right now....but not to that extreme. When the Polar Ice Caps (freshwater) melt into salt water, the way it has been doing for years, it's going to change shit up. If anyone don't think that shit has changed a little, remember what 8 degrees felt like? I do, it fuckin' sucked, it was so damn cold that morning that......Holy shit it's snowing in Warrior right now (5:31pm Feb. 15th)....anyway it was so damn cold that morning that my windows weren't frosen over, it was too cold for the dew. I'm not kidding, it's coming down pretty steady right now.