It looks like The ONE has hit a new low in Approval of his Job Performance; but, hey, at least his Disapproval rating is up. Wait...what?

This is an excerpt from National
Obama Hits Lowest Approval Mark
February 8, 2010 12:58 PM
Independent voters see Pres. Obama in a negative light by a nearly 2-1 margin, according to a new Marist College survey, while almost half of voters say he has failed to meet their expectations.
The poll, conducted Feb. 1-3, showed just 44% of registered voters approving of Obama's job as president. 47% disapprove. But among indie voters, Obama's approval rating sits at a terrible 29%, while his disapproval rating is at 57%.
Obama's 44% job approval rating is the lowest he has scored in any non-internet poll since moving into the WH, according to a review of data compiled by
And while GOPers strive to avoid attacking Obama personally, for fear of offending voters who see him in a favorable light personally, even that aura of invincibility is wearing off. Independent voters view Obama negatively, too, by a 39% favorable to 52% unfavorable margin.
Wow. He's pissed off a lot of Independent Voters. How will the Teleprompter in Chief spin this one I wonder?
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