And all their god damn band wagon fucking fans...
Lucky mother fuckers...
This shit pisses me off...
Why am I starting to write my posts like Scarbinsky?
Dear WE!!!!!!,
Neener neener neener... and nanner nanner nanner

The ENTIRE Who Dat Nation
GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carl is over the freaking moon. And for the record, I reminded him that back on December 30, 2000, we were on our first real "OMG, I think we like each other" date, at the Saints-Rams game, the game which resulted in the Saints first playoff win in franchise history. Still had not kissed each other for realz - saved that for the next night at midnight. But that was the first real "we are a couple" date we had had, and the Saints won. We married in New Orleans too. Now we have celebrated 9 years as a couple and the Saints won a Super Bowl. He has been a Saints/Aints fan his entire life - and it appears I brought him luck. Between the Saints and my big 4-0. I am asking a bit more than usual for my birthday. Black diamonds and yellow gold, with matching earrings... Who dat indeed!