Damn, you are a half empty dipshit. You do realize that Auburn University is recruiting KIDS that are being recruited by Universities of _______ all across the Country. Heaven Forbid the kids for saying the University of Auburn, while in front a 100 of their peers or Millions watching on TV. 
I DEMAND that these kids not get nervous and never mispronounce the school that they're going to attend for the next 3 to 5 years.
Also, sensible....how's the Auburn Coaching staff recruiting now? You said previously that it was a "fail", still think it's a fail?
I think he brings up an interesting athletics vs. academics point. I know for a fact that there are many people at Auburn (and every college) who don't give the first damn about football at all. There are many who hate what it represents, hate the attention it brings and are disgusted that borderline students are celebrated while those who excel in their classwork often toil in relative anonymity.
For that segment of the population, the fact that the kid says the name of the school correctly is more important than his 40 time.
These kids are hardly the only ones making this error, though. the ESPN talking heads, particularly that doof Holtz, often do it.