That's a ridiculous unrelated stretch. Of course not, but are you suggesting that same sex marriage, or any marriage for that matter, guarantees monogamy? I mean, seriously???
Who said anything about a guarantee? I guaranfuckingtee you that you can survey ten married guys and ten single guys and let's see who had the most sexual partners over the last year, I'm pretty sure I know how those results will turn out. You insinuated something about the "tradition" of promiscuity in homosexuals. That's a complete crock of shit. Again, it goes back to your propagandized perception of the average homosexual as some predator. I can't change that. It's bigoted stereotyping, but hey, that's your bag.
Yes... It does boggle the mind. Try this from didn't pull that out of my ass... Would you refute the CDC's claims?
We've already established that it's likely behavior-based, but why would it be so prevelant in the gay community? Perhaps, the predominant lifestyle is not just about having homosexual interests/urges... Is it that hard for you to "swallow"?
What are you insinuating here? I'm assuming that there is an insidious plot by the homosexual community to spread AIDS throughout the world. If not, explain yourself now, so that you don't come back 10 threads later and say I interpreted one of your vague accusations incorrectly.
Wrong... See above...
So, CDC stats are less reliable than opinion polls and other surveys? Right...
No wonder you don't like statistics. You have a hard time comprehending them.
The only statistic I utilized at all was the one
you presented that homosexuals account for half of new AIDS cases. I assumed you were correct, and made my point based upon it. Then you post this link from the CDC that confirms it, yet try to pin me for refuting the CDC's claims. Where did I refute any of that? Your study shows 53%.
I then presented another study that shows African Americans accounted for 51%
FROM THE SAME SOURCE. point is, you realize how ridiculous it would be to suggest that African Americans are unfit for military service because they're at a higher risk of HIV infection than Caucasions (again, I'm left to assume this). You simply can't wrap your ahead around the same rules applying to homosexuals.
Here are more graphs from the same link.

So, yes, contracting HIV is more likely to occur during homosexual sex than heterosexuals sex. I never contested that. But really? 32% vs. 53%? That's grounds to ban a faction of society from military service? Talk about a stretch.
And when you look at the other graphs, you'll see that really the only reason homosexual sex is more likely to pass on AIDS is because you have twice the dudes fucking.

The only way to be safe is to bar all men from service. We don't want the women risking their lives by getting some male blood on them!
The bottom line is your entire argument, especially this portion of it as it pertains to worrying about having to dig a bullet out of a gay person because it's a foregone conclusion that they are HIV positive, is beyond ridiculous and doesn't dignify the lengthy response I just gave it.