Just some comments...
To start with, the last time I checked, the military is not a social organization. It's not summer camp. It's not a school. It's not a religion. It's not happy hour. It's nothing like prison. They don't have to abide by the same EEOC regs as corporations. And, they're usually not pre-occupied with promoting “deranged liberal concepts” of fairness and equality among the troops. Social engineering just doesn't belong in the military...
To these men, I have the following reply: welcome to what every single human female on the phuking planet deals with from puberty onward. You don’t like the idea that some man you’re not attracted to might be fantasizing about having sex with you, might be eyeing your fun bits, that there’s even a remote but existing chance he might rape you? Harden. The phuk. Up. Fifty percent of the population has to cope with this every day as a fact of life, and we’re called paranoid deranged feminazi man-haters if we even bring it up outside a feminist consciousness-raising session.
What BULLSHIT… That's a nice, shallow, light-hearted perspective from an Oprah-watching, bon bon gorging, couch sow. Let's try this... How about we start promoting unisex bathrooms and showers in high-schools, colleges and work places? When bimbos of the opinion above start promoting unisex showers, I'll promote gays in the military. I'll be all for it! It's the close-quarters aspect of the military that makes this an issue. If a moderately attractive woman is taking a shower alongside me, I’m gonna “harden up”… It happens… I was born that way. It’s how I roll. I can’t control it. She doesn’t have to dig me, and I don’t have to dig her. She can be married. I can be married. It doesn’t matter. It’s just going to happen. AND, it has the potential for leading to things that don’t belong in the military.
My point is that the most common excuse for not repealing it is the "OMG, sum dude is gonna check out my package...". WTF ever, dude. Women deal with that every day, from men and from lesbians and we still carry on with our lives - even in the military. Get a better excuse.

While I don't know you personally, I'm fairly certain that you're smarter than that from your other posts in this forum. We all know that it's a bit more complicated than this silly little summation.
I cannot imagine that if you are taking on enemy fire, that whether or not the guy next to you thinks you are HAWT would cross your mind if he is a superior marksman. As long as his uni is regulation, and he can shoot, who gives a crap what strip club he prefers when on leave?
And, here is where I can agree with you to some extent. I don't think that anybody would disagree with this.
The reason DADT needs to be repealed is because of the reasons you bolded in the original post, in conjunction with the fact that if it comes out that you're gay, even if someone just spreads that rumor about you, you're discharged.
That's phuked up.
Like it was already said, if the guy is a superior marksman, or the famous cases of top Arabic translators who got the boot, then who gives a phuk how he prefers to phuk?
General protocol that prohibits sexual harassment, which already exists, should be enough.
If not, then ban sexual promiscuity of any kind.
The advocate <
inserts his two cents...

Let's invalidate the entire policy because of a few extreme cases. Let's destroy the car because the cigarette lighter doesn't work. Let's abort the fetus because it will never have perfect vision without corrective lenses. Let's demolish the entire house because the paint is fading. What about people who are incorrectly convicted of a crime they didn't commit? Do we throw away the entire law to address the mistakes, or do we correct the mistakes?
I am old school. I still think it is a genetic defect that can be treated. Or a choice.
Either way it's wrong.
BINGO! I have yet to hear a reasonable argument that dismisses the genetic defect theory. Throw other sexual proclivities into the mix and discern the differences for me. Pedophile, homosexual, cat-lover, dog-fister… Where are the differences?