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Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "


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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #60 on: February 04, 2010, 11:53:25 PM »
You can't just say "Cure being gay because it is genetic or stop making that choice."  Green eyes are genetic.  Black hair is genetic.  Should those be "cured" because they are not the same as everyone else?  Not all genetic conditions should be cured, and not all of them CAN be cured.  That is a bizarre argument.  Who gets to decide what genetic conditions should be cured?  Maybe some are choices – but straight people make all kinds of choices every day too. 

I grow tired of this... and concerned for the future of our society.  I'm actually quite tolerant of many homosexuals, but that doesn't mean that I want them showering with me.  But, I see that we've jumped way off topic now talking about eye color and other silliness.  By the way, lots of things are genetic including sickle cell anemia and hemophilia, and they can’t join the military either.  What do “you people” have against them?  Why do you hate them so much? 

Oh SCREW IT!  Let ‘em all in…  Let’s turn the military into a free-for-all social abortion! 

Now, send in the cross-dressing lepers... 
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #61 on: February 04, 2010, 11:57:50 PM »
Again, you can't attack the argument so you attack the person bringing it.  I must agree with Garman, it is extremely Pelosi-ish.

Again - holy shit, K.

Utterly ridiculous logical leaps?  While you say homosexuality should be "cured" and gay people “fixed”.  

Shrill claims?  After you say that gay people are less intelligent and less able to reason than straight people?  Two words for you – Bammer.  Fan.

I have tried on multiple occasions to turn this back to the whole "Should people who are openly gay be allowed to serve in the military", only to get responses like your Final Solution comparisons.

Without rereading all these pages, I am fairly confident that I never used the word "hate" to describe your opinions, but to me, they have become as extreme as the flaming transexuals you see at clubs on Bourbon Street.  You have again become that which you rail against – an extremist.  

And probably just for the sake of argument.  Don’t think I didn’t notice your multiple attempts to get me to go off on a shrieking feminist tangent with the “You’re too emotional and irrational to debate with.” jibes.  Get someone else to be your dancing monkey.  I’m no Prowler.  

« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 11:59:29 PM by Tiger Wench »
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #62 on: February 05, 2010, 12:06:11 AM »
I chose the South Park guy because of the way that show is revered around here.  Gotta relate to my audience.

How about Da Vinci?  Leonard Bernstein?  Proust?

First you tried to get me to blow up over the whole "Silly emotional, irrational girl!" and then when that didn't work, you try by rehashing the Pelosi bash.  Didn't work when GarMan tried it either.  But I am attacking you out of desperation.

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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2010, 12:13:42 AM »
Again - holy shit, K.

Utterly ridiculous logical leaps?  While you say homosexuality should be "cured" and gay people “fixed”.  

Shrill claims?  After you say that gay people are less intelligent and less able to reason than straight people?  Two words for you – Bammer.  Fan.

I have tried on multiple occasions to turn this back to the whole "Should people who are openly gay be allowed to serve in the military", only to get responses like your Final Solution comparisons.

Without rereading all these pages, I am fairly confident that I never used the word "hate" to describe your opinions, but to me, they have become as extreme as the flaming transexuals you see at clubs on Bourbon Street.  You have again become that which you rail against – an extremist.  

And probably just for the sake of argument.  Don’t think I didn’t notice your multiple attempts to get me to go off on a shrieking feminist tangent with the “You’re too emotional and irrational to debate with.” jibes.  Get someone else to be your dancing monkey.  I’m no Prowler.  


I said several.  AWK was the one who tossed out hate.  You busted out with the narrow-minded that started this entire episode.  And now you've added extremist to the mix.  Typical.  

Fuck off with the bama fan comparisons.  Fuck completely off.  

But yes, if you choose something unnatural and perverted, yeah I've got questions about your ability to reason.  Sure as fuck do.  

Your logical leaps are utterly irrational and unrelated to the topic.  The attempt to equate homosexuality with eye color was asinine.   If homosexuality is unnatural (it is, or queers wouldn't fight with themselves and attempt to resist the urges as most do) and homosexuality is a genetic defect (which you alternately claim it is and it isn't) then yes, I absolutely believe that an option to reverse it should be pursued.  

That you would attempt to point out the happy mongoloid children who don't want to be cured of their defects as evidence that gays shouldn't have the option to become normal is absolutely fucking laughable.  When my daughter was five she wanted to be a dolphin. She didn't have the mental faculties to reason beyond that.  I guess I should have let her just go be a happy dolphin, then since she had relatively the same cognitive skills as the average adult with mongoloidism. And you ignore the multitude of additional mental and physical defects that affect mongoloids.  

I've said a hundred times now that being gay, whether by choice or genetics, is of no consequence to me so long as that choice doesn't intrude into my life. Gays are not being prevented from serving in the military.  They are only being prevented from flaunting that choice (or defect).   Therefore your entire argument has ZERO merit.  None.  All they have to do is keep their deviance to themselves and they can serve their swishy little asses off.  

And yes, you are emotionally invested in this issue. Your emotional entanglements prevent you from having an objective viewpoint.  
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2010, 12:18:53 AM »
I chose the South Park guy because of the way that show is revered around here.  Gotta relate to my audience.

How about Da Vinci?  Leonard Bernstein?  Proust?

First you tried to get me to blow up over the whole "Silly emotional, irrational girl!" and then when that didn't work, you try by rehashing the Pelosi bash.  Didn't work when GarMan tried it either.  But I am attacking you out of desperation.


You already were shrill and strident.  I merely pointed that out.  I agreed with Garman that you strayed into Pelosi-land when you continually opted to build sand castles while you disrespected opposing viewpoints with elitist claims of "narrow mindedness" and "insecurity."   You refuse to concede that what many of us are saying has any validity whatsoever because you're damned and determined to pigeonhole us as insecure, narrow minded bigots who aren't as enlightened as you are. 

I call bullshit on that.  You don't have a monopoly on enlightenment. 

Da Vinci?  Prove it. 

Bernstein?  Elton John? Who the fuck ever?  Wasted their gifts.  End of story.  Hope they're not in hell for it, but I don't make that call.
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #65 on: February 05, 2010, 12:27:53 AM »
How am I emotionally invested in this issue?  Because I have gay friends?  Most everyone on here does, but I am more emotionally invested?  Totally ridiculous.

My illogical leaps are worse than your broad generalizations.  ("If homosexuality is unnatural (it is, or queers wouldn't fight with themselves...")  Right.  All queers fight the urge. 

YOU made the link between being gay and being genetically fucked up, when I have said all along that MOST gay people are that way by nature.  Exceptions to every rule, but my argument is that being gay for most gays is like being green eyed is to me - not something I can change, and not something I would change even if I could.  Both are genetic.  Hence, a legitimate argument.  Better than "Fix it in the womb" - I still cannot believe you said that.

Bammer fans.  Five year old dolphin daughters.  Poh-tay-toe, poh-tah-toe.

Vandy Vol has made the same exact arguments I have, only in a more stylish manner - but then again, he writes arguments for a living, and I don't.  But he isn't shrill, or emotionally unhinged, or hysterical or hormonal or whatever.

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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #66 on: February 05, 2010, 12:31:41 AM »
You can never know for sure, but here's some pretty solid circumstantial evidence.  Granted, taken from teh interwebs, but still...

Was DiVinci gay?

Leonardo never married. He never had any female partners that were of note. He was an incredibly handsome and popular man, sought after by courts and patrons. He had no lack of interested females in his social group. He chose to ignore them.

On April 8, 1476, an anonymous person brought an accusation to the church, claiming that Leonardo Da Vinci was having homosexual relationships with some of his students / companions. At the time, Leonardo was just turning 24. The explicit charge was that Jacopo Saltarelli, one of Leonardo's male models, was also his lover. As the consequences would have been quite harsh for Leonardo, he and the other accused individuals fought the charge and were acquitted. Leonardo had many powerful friends, even this early in his career, who helped him clear his name. He was put in prison for two months during this time.

It is interesting to note that Leonardo had several "close male companions" but never was linked to or married a woman. Leonardo was a great believer in Humanism - that human beings could choose for themselves what was good or bad and did not need to follow strict teachings of the church to find their path in life.

While Leonardo did paint females in the course of his duties, most of his personal sketches involved nude male bodies - not females.
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #67 on: February 05, 2010, 01:10:28 AM »
How am I emotionally invested in this issue?  Because I have gay friends?  Most everyone on here does, but I am more emotionally invested?  Totally ridiculous.

My illogical leaps are worse than your broad generalizations.  ("If homosexuality is unnatural (it is, or queers wouldn't fight with themselves...")  Right.  All queers fight the urge. 

YOU made the link between being gay and being genetically fucked up, when I have said all along that MOST gay people are that way by nature.  Exceptions to every rule, but my argument is that being gay for most gays is like being green eyed is to me - not something I can change, and not something I would change even if I could.  Both are genetic.  Hence, a legitimate argument.  Better than "Fix it in the womb" - I still cannot believe you said that.

Bammer fans.  Five year old dolphin daughters.  Poh-tay-toe, poh-tah-toe.

Vandy Vol has made the same exact arguments I have, only in a more stylish manner - but then again, he writes arguments for a living, and I don't.  But he isn't shrill, or emotionally unhinged, or hysterical or hormonal or whatever.


You made the emotional jump when you personalized it by discussing -- and simultaneously expressing admiration and respect for -- your gay friend.   

If I have any gay friends, I'm not aware of it.  I would choose not to because I don't approve of that particular choice, have no interest in being exposed to it and certainly don't want it portrayed to my family as a normal alternative.  I've known gay people at places I worked and I avoided interacting with them. 

I have a cousin who is gay and I don't shun her, but I have little to no contact with her.  If she were to attempt to bring a "significant other" to a family event, I'm confident I would opt not to attend.  Most of my family would also probably decline.  She understands that, respects our wishes and has never tried to force us to accept her lifestyle.  I don't hate her, but I hate how she's chosen to live.  (FWIW, she wasn't abused as a child but did live with a family dominated by the mother and grandmother.  Her father, my uncle, was a doormat God rest his soul).

Vandy Vol came in behind you and tried to make sense of the illogical and borderline insane arguments you attempted to make.  He tried to be your white knight and take up those crazy crusades.  I found his arguments no less deranged than yours, but he didn't resort to characterizing opposing arguments in the terms you did.  That's the extent of that. 

As for Da Vinci, you have no proof.  I've heard faggots try to claim half the people in the Bible, George Washington, Paul Bunyan and the Vlasic Stork to advance their cause.   

I've also heard black folks claim Jesus, Babe Ruth, Moses and the Egyptians were black, too.  Doesn't make it so.

I stand by fix it in the womb.  If you could reverse homosexuality, mongoloidism or any other genetic defect prior to the birth of a child?  Yep.  Do it.  If I were in charge, it would be mandated. 
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #68 on: February 05, 2010, 01:22:24 AM »

Homosexuality is a sexual deviation. It is a perversion.  It is an abomination and against the natural order of things.  To suggest that it is as innocuous as eye color is the bizarre argument.  It's BEYOND bizarre. 

I cannot have a rational conversation with someone who can make that kind of illogical leap to attempt to justify something that is unnatural.

I don't give a fiddly fuck what they do in private.  But it's not in private.  They want to have the right to flaunt their fucking sickness in public.  They want to be able to identify themselves in public as queers and suffer no consequences for that.  Sorry, that will never fly with me. 

You start there and the next thing you've got the corpse fuckers demanding their right to be sick fucks in public.  And then the child molesters claim they were born that way and should have the right to pursue their dreams.  Nope.  You have to draw moral lines.  This is one of them. 

That's the point you're missing in all this. 
Just for fun, I googled (in bold above) your first sentence to see what popped up.  This was the first search result, Just like I figured...


What makes it even funnier, is that a few posts later you then quoted this:

Genesis 1:28
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

You reading out of the wrong book?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 01:25:36 AM by AWK »
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #69 on: February 05, 2010, 01:34:44 AM »
You made the emotional jump when you personalized it by discussing -- and simultaneously expressing admiration and respect for -- your gay friend.   

If I have any gay friends, I'm not aware of it.  I would choose not to because I don't approve of that particular choice, have no interest in being exposed to it and certainly don't want it portrayed to my family as a normal alternative.  I've known gay people at places I worked and I avoided interacting with them. 

I have a cousin who is gay and I don't shun her, but I have little to no contact with her.  If she were to attempt to bring a "significant other" to a family event, I'm confident I would opt not to attend.  Most of my family would also probably decline.  She understands that, respects our wishes and has never tried to force us to accept her lifestyle.  I don't hate her, but I hate how she's chosen to live.  (FWIW, she wasn't abused as a child but did live with a family dominated by the mother and grandmother.  Her father, my uncle, was a doormat God rest his soul).

Vandy Vol came in behind you and tried to make sense of the illogical and borderline insane arguments you attempted to make.  He tried to be your white knight and take up those crazy crusades.  I found his arguments no less deranged than yours, but he didn't resort to characterizing opposing arguments in the terms you did.  That's the extent of that. 

As for Da Vinci, you have no proof.  I've heard faggots try to claim half the people in the Bible, George Washington, Paul Bunyan and the Vlasic Stork to advance their cause.   

I've also heard black folks claim Jesus, Babe Ruth, Moses and the Egyptians were black, too.  Doesn't make it so.

I stand by fix it in the womb.  If you could reverse homosexuality, mongoloidism or any other genetic defect prior to the birth of a child?  Yep.  Do it.  If I were in charge, it would be mandated. 

A man who commits indecency with another man, or allows himself to be misused indecently, will be punished with prison.

In especially minor cases the court can refrain from punishment of a participant, who was not yet twenty–one years old at the time of the time of the criminal act.

[The following] will be punished with a penitentiary sentence of up to ten years, or under extenuating circumstances with a prison sentence of no less than three months:

    * A man who compels another man to commit indecency with him, or to let himself be misused indecently, by force or by threat of imminent danger to life and limb;

    * A man who induces another man to commit indecency with him, or to let himself be misused indecently, by means of the abuse of an official or professional relationship, or one of seniority;

    * A man over twenty–one who seduces a male person under twenty–one to commit indecency with him, or to let himself be misused indecently;

    * A man who on a professional basis commits indecency with men, or allows himself be misused indecently by men, or offers himself for such purposes.

What do you think about that Kaos?

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Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall said, "Guys don't mind hitting Michael Vick in the open field, but when you see Cam, you have to think about how you're going to tackle him. He's like a big tight end coming at you."

Vandy Vol

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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #70 on: February 05, 2010, 01:43:52 AM »
Last time I checked, they were.  

Seriously? Checked with whom?  What resource?  I had no clue that being gay automatically made you a mongoloid.  I could have sworn that I've seen gay people in Ivy League schools.  Was this sarcastic or are you seriously suggesting that a gay person is somehow mentally affected to the point that they are mongoloids?
I'm sorry but that's ridiculous.  Your decision is either private or public.  You can't claim it's a private decision and then wave the rainbow flag.  Doesn't work that way.

Your decision to view homosexuality as a sin can be viewed the same way.  You claim that homosexuals need to make a private decision about their own lives and keep it to themselves.  Yet, at the same time, you've made a private decision about your moral beliefs, and at the same time have decided to make it public.  Maybe gay people are tired of the Jesus flag being waved about.  Maybe they're tired of people ranting and raving about sins, about how they live their life pure, and about how everyone else should accept them and their views.  Maybe you should keep your moral life to yourself.

Doesn't sound so appealing when the shoe is on the other foot, does it?  You have the right to free speech, and so do they.  Trying to limit free speech to what you believe in is not free speech.

I do have a problem with them voicing their unnatural sexuality.  it denies me my right to practice my religion.

Riiight.  Because all of those gay parades on television prevented you from turning off the tube and reading the Bible.  You let me know when an angry stampede of gay people block the door to your church, and maybe, just maybe, I'll buy into this excuse of an argument.
I do recognize the right to consent.  But I also realize that 18 is an arbitrary number.  I know 12 year olds who are much more mature and savvy than some 20 year olds.  Setting an arbitrary age limit and telling Johnny Johnson that he can't have sex with Katie Cooter on November 11, but he can on November 12 because she will become "legal" on her birthday has significant flaws and will eventually be challenged legally.  If we continue down the path we are on, where every perversity and deviation is protected as free speech, I expect at some point the legality of setting arbitrary minimum ages will be overturned.

The fact of the matter is that children are unable to consent to sex.  At what age does a person become able to consent as an adult?  That's certainly up for debate.  However, you can't honestly tell me that a grown man who has sex with a five year old is the same as a grown man who consensually has sex with another grown man.  If you do, well...then I'm not quite sure what to make of your morals.

What about bigamy, v2?  It's illegal.  But what's the harm if one guy wants to be married to four or five women?  Seems like an optimal solution to me.  Nobody gets harmed.  Awesome bucks like me would monopolize all the hot mommas, but that's a risk we should be willing to take, right?   Consenting adults and all...

It personally doesn't bother me.  Everyone has their own subjective moral beliefs, and as I've mentioned before, there's no way to disprove or prove a subjective belief.  You can only accept that some people believe differently than you.
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #71 on: February 05, 2010, 02:22:32 AM »
By the way, lots of things are genetic including sickle cell anemia and hemophilia, and they can’t join the military either.

That may have something to do with the fact that sickle cell anemia is tied to acute rhabdomyolysis, which is one of the top four non-traumatic killers of high school and college athletes.  I need not explain why hemophilia can be deadly to a person in the military.  If you can come up with some sort of analogous reason as to why homosexuality in the military is going to endanger someone's life, then be my guest.  Otherwise, pointing out those two medical conditions is pretty much irrelevant, as there is a legitimate reason for preventing individuals with life-threatening diseases and defects from being relied upon to serve our country.
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #72 on: February 05, 2010, 02:51:19 AM »
You made the emotional jump when you personalized it by discussing -- and simultaneously expressing admiration and respect for -- your gay friend.   

That was done in a totally separate thread in a totally separate forum.  I do admire him - it takes guts to be a trauma flight nurse.  He is smart and well trained.  His sexual preferences does not change that.

Never, at any time, did I bring him up specifically in this thread.  You made that link independently.

Amazing - I am a shrill, shrieking Pelosi because I have a gay friend that I care for, a man that I have known for nearly 30 years.  Wow.

Somehow I doubt your cousin minds not hanging out with you.

BTW?  Vandy Vol is kicking your ass.
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #73 on: February 05, 2010, 03:13:47 AM »
Somehow I doubt your cousin minds not hanging out with you.

BTW?  Vandy Vol is kicking your ass.

Fuck off twice.

And in your wet dreams. 
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #74 on: February 05, 2010, 03:30:12 AM »
Seriously? Checked with whom?  What resource?  I had no clue that being gay automatically made you a mongoloid.  I could have sworn that I've seen gay people in Ivy League schools.  Was this sarcastic or are you seriously suggesting that a gay person is somehow mentally affected to the point that they are mongoloids?

Comprehension fail.  Can't help you there.
Your decision to view homosexuality as a sin can be viewed the same way.  You claim that homosexuals need to make a private decision about their own lives and keep it to themselves.  Yet, at the same time, you've made a private decision about your moral beliefs, and at the same time have decided to make it public.  Maybe gay people are tired of the Jesus flag being waved about.  Maybe they're tired of people ranting and raving about sins, about how they live their life pure, and about how everyone else should accept them and their views.  Maybe you should keep your moral life to yourself.

You've never seen me parade my religion here or anywhere else.  I do so in response to attacks from others, not as a first strike.

Fail #2.

Doesn't sound so appealing when the shoe is on the other foot, does it?  You have the right to free speech, and so do they.  Trying to limit free speech to what you believe in is not free speech.

Since you failed to make a connection of remote relevance, my shoes are fine where they are. 

Riiight.  Because all of those gay parades on television prevented you from turning off the tube and reading the Bible.  You let me know when an angry stampede of gay people block the door to your church, and maybe, just maybe, I'll buy into this excuse of an argument.

Again you speak of what you do not know.  As a member of the church board of trustees I've already had to deal with this issue.  Openly gay couple wanted to attend, wanted to sing in the choir.  As a church we decided that was inappropriate unless they were there looking for help/answers or redemption.  I know I'm a sinner. I go to church hoping to help keep myself on a better path.  If you're coming to church to flaunt the sin, that doesn't work for me.  No different than someone who was having an affair and bringing his hook-up to church. 

And don't fucking even TRY to hand me the bullshit "turn off the tube" argument.  That is the biggest load of horseshit imaginable.  You know what?  If gays don't like the military telling them they can't flaunt their choice, they can just stay out.  What was that you said about shoes and feet?  The "turn off the TV" shit is a crock and the lamest attempt to justify garbage in the world.  It's not realistic. 
The fact of the matter is that children are unable to consent to sex.  At what age does a person become able to consent as an adult?  That's certainly up for debate.  However, you can't honestly tell me that a grown man who has sex with a five year old is the same as a grown man who consensually has sex with another grown man.  If you do, well...then I'm not quite sure what to make of your morals.

Oh, so now you're establishing the line at five.  Okay.  At least we're clear on that.  Ten year olds are fair game. 

Fail #5 or 6, I'm losing count. 

My morals have nothing to do with it.  I'm not advocating or endorsing anything of the sort, only pointing out that once you start making arbitrary decisions that certain obvious perversions are acceptable for public consumption then you slide into the morass.

It personally doesn't bother me.  Everyone has their own subjective moral beliefs, and as I've mentioned before, there's no way to disprove or prove a subjective belief.  You can only accept that some people believe differently than you.

As I've said re-fucking-peatedly, I take no offense or issue with someone thinking differently.  I do not rail against people having affairs, or bigamy (you ignored that one, I see), or anything else that is done BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and between adults who consent to do so.  My one and only issue comes when it is made into a public spectacle and when behaviors that the vast majority of humanity considers to be perverse are passed off as a normal alternative.

Believe what you want.  Do what you want.  You, and only you, have to answer for and live with the choices you make.  But don't deign to call me narrow minded or unenlightened because I reject your bohemian morality. You have the right to do whatever you want, but you do NOT have the right to insist that I accept it.  Because I don't and I never will.

This entire debate was sparked by one simple phrase:  "narrow-minded"   I take great offense at that.
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #75 on: February 05, 2010, 03:34:52 AM »
Just for fun, I googled (in bold above) your first sentence to see what popped up.  This was the first search result, Just like I figured...


What makes it even funnier, is that a few posts later you then quoted this:

You reading out of the wrong book?

What astonishes me is that you're unaware that Islam and Christianity comes from the same basic source.  

Much of what is in the Old Testament is also in the Koran.  Maybe you should read one or the other.

Where we differ and why we try to kill each other is that they don't accept Jesus as the Savior, only one of many prophets.  

Historical fail on your part.  
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 03:39:53 AM by Kaos »
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #76 on: February 05, 2010, 03:38:42 AM »

What do you think about that Kaos?

I have no idea what the context is, so I can't address your question. 

I have no problem whatsoever saying and standing by the statement that I consider homosexuality to be a genetic defect (been essentially admitted as such here) and therefore it can be eradicated.   If you can eradicate something that is a clear deviance from the norm and that often causes significant mental trauma, why would you choose not to? 

If I could have my genes altered to remove the things that cause me pain and that negatively impact my life, I wouldn't hesitate to do so.   
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #77 on: February 05, 2010, 04:00:19 AM »

That was done in a totally separate thread in a totally separate forum.  I do admire him - i

I got lost and interjected that here, where it didn't belong. 

I'm sorry for that.  Thought it was part of the same discussion.  If I could redact it, I would, but that's not possible.
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #78 on: February 05, 2010, 04:21:38 AM »
Comprehension fail.  Can't help you there.

Simply saying "fail" doesn't cut it in a politically-oriented conversation.  I know it's the cool thing to do nowadays and makes you appear like you've achieved some sort of victory, but it doesn't magically attach logic to your previously unfounded statements.

You claimed that the "last time you checked," sexual proclivities were an indicator of intelligence or reasoning.  I merely asked you where you checked this at, to which you didn't answer.  If you don't have a resource or at least some sort of reasoning behind your conclusion, I can't help you there; it's certainly not my fault that you were unable to reveal where you checked this "fact" when asked.

You've never seen me parade my religion here or anywhere else.  I do so in response to attacks from others, not as a first strike.

It doesn't matter why or when you flaunt something.  My point is that freedom of speech is a right of every person.  If you can flaunt your moral views (whether provoked or unprovoked), others can flaunt their views as well.  I'm pretty sure the First Amendment doesn't have a provocation requirement to it.
Again you speak of what you do not know.  As a member of the church board of trustees I've already had to deal with this issue.  Openly gay couple wanted to attend, wanted to sing in the choir.  As a church we decided that was inappropriate unless they were there looking for help/answers or redemption.  I know I'm a sinner. I go to church hoping to help keep myself on a better path.  If you're coming to church to flaunt the sin, that doesn't work for me.  No different than someone who was having an affair and bringing his hook-up to church.

First, a church is a private organization.  If you choose to deny someone access to your church for whatever reason, then that is your prerogative.  This discussion had nothing to do with private organizations outside of the government; it had to do with the government creating laws that altered a person's rights and privileges.

Second, the fact that they wanted to be in the choir didn't necessarily mean they were going to flaunt anything.  Unless, of course, you fully expected them to wear an "I Suck Dick" sign around their neck while singing in the choir.  Again, your church and you can decide to do whatever you want, but there seems to be an unrealistic expectation that a homosexual only wants to do something so as to bring attention to their homosexuality.  You seem to believe that homosexuality makes a human no longer a person, but instead that they are some uncontrollable exhibition of gayness that will spontaneously erupt in radiant flamboyancy and glamorous glitter at any given moment, bringing gay shame upon you and your congregation.  Again, completely your choice, but unrealistic nonetheless.

And don't fucking even TRY to hand me the bullshit "turn off the tube" argument.  That is the biggest load of horseshit imaginable.  You know what?  If gays don't like the military telling them they can't flaunt their choice, they can just stay out.  What was that you said about shoes and feet?  The "turn off the TV" shit is a crock and the lamest attempt to justify garbage in the world.  It's not realistic.

You were bitching about them voicing their sexuality and how it affected your right to religion.  I'm sorry, but if you don't like someone voicing their opinion, you can turn off the TV, browse to another website, switch the radio station, etc.  Someone else's free speech does not affect your rights.  Gays aren't knocking down your door to tell you about how a penis feels in their butt while you're trying to have quiet time with Jesus.

As much as they may annoy you, they are not altering your rights in any way by voicing an opinion.  Creating laws that prevent a person from doing something, however, is altering rights.  If you're going to deny something, then you typically have to have a legitimate reason behind the denial.  I have not heard one legitimately supported reason yet; the only reason I've heard is that homosexuality is immoral.  As I've pointed out, the morality of a person is not only a subjective opinion that differs from person to person, but it's irrelevant to the discussion of whether a person can efficiently serve in the military.
Oh, so now you're establishing the line at five.  Okay.  At least we're clear on that.  Ten year olds are fair game.

Nice straw man argument; I never set the line anywhere.  I clearly stated that the age issue was up for debate.  I then went on to use the five year old as an example of a person which we all would agree is too young to consent.  You wanted to dance around the iffy ages of 16 or 17 and derail the conversation; I'm trying to point out to you with an extreme example that age does play a part in consent.  People do mature as they get older.  At what age are they mature enough to consent?  Again, it's up for debate, but a five year old is certainly one who can not be expected to have the intellectual capacity to knowingly consent to sex.

Way to avoid the question asking if you view the rapist of a five year old the same as you do a gay man in a consensual, adult relationship.

I do not rail against people having affairs, or bigamy (you ignored that one, I see) . . .

Umm, no.  Reread my last response to you.  I quoted your portion about bigamy and stated the following immediately after:

"It personally doesn't bother me.  Everyone has their own subjective moral beliefs, and as I've mentioned before, there's no way to disprove or prove a subjective belief.  You can only accept that some people believe differently than you."

My one and only issue comes when it is made into a public spectacle and when behaviors that the vast majority of humanity considers to be perverse are passed off as a normal alternative.

Free.  Speech.

You can be concerned with their actions all you want, but you can not prevent a person from making a "public spectacle" by protesting laws or announcing in public that they are gay.  It doesn't matter what the vast majority of the public thinks about anything; free speech applies to everyone.

Believe what you want.  Do what you want.  You, and only you, have to answer for and live with the choices you make.  But don't deign to call me narrow minded or unenlightened because I reject your bohemian morality. You have the right to do whatever you want, but you do NOT have the right to insist that I accept it.  Because I don't and I never will.

As I've stated before and will state again, my intent is not to sway people's minds when it comes to topics of subjectivity.  Morals are far too subjective for me to look a person dead in the eye and say, "My morals are right. Yours are wrong."  Maybe you can do that, but I can not.  Nor have I called anyone narrow-minded or unenlightened.  I am only pointing out that for every Christian who is annoyed by a gay talking about his homosexuality, there is a homosexual who is annoyed by a Christian talking about his Christianity.

If you can point to a reason why immorality is a reason to be barred from joining the military, then that is applicable to the discussion.  Otherwise, the fact that you are annoyed by a gay person's free speech is pretty much moot.  It is a personal opinion that you hold dearly, and no one can take that away from you, but that personal opinion can't be forced upon everyone else in the form of "curing" all gays, forcing them to keep certain speech private, or barring them from the military.
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Re: Man Up - Repealing "Don't Ask Don't Tell "
« Reply #79 on: February 05, 2010, 04:42:42 AM »
If you can eradicate something that is a clear deviance from the norm and that often causes significant mental trauma, why would you choose not to? 

You're laying out two elements for "genetic defect eradication."  The first is a clear deviance from the norm.  As mentioned earlier, blue eyes were a clear deviance from the norm.  Should we attempt to revert ourselves back to the "pure" species we were?  Well, according to your second element, no.  We should only eradicate those defects that cause significant mental trauma.

Do we eradicate the defect if only some people experience mental trauma?  There are people who would state that their eye color, hair color, skin color, etc. has caused them significant mental trauma.  People are teased, taunted and even physically assaulted based upon their physical appearances, especially amongst children.  Do we eradicate everything that any single person claims caused mental trauma?

We can't possibly dictate what will or won't, or should or shouldn't, cause someone mental anguish.  Some people are happy with their blue eyes, red hair, green vaginas and dicks in their butt.  Some people aren't.  What you view as an unacceptable defect, others don't.  As a result, we can't force genetic defect eradication on everyone else simply because you view it as an unacceptable deviance.
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