Chopper, damn. You never phuking get it.
As for the rest... Well thought out, perfectly reasoned.
Maybe you haven't noticed but since the WVU game or so, I stick mainly to the "it's too early to plant the victory flag" positon. Most of my "negativity" comes in response to the premature "haha you stupid phuk, Chizik is super awesome" type posts or the absurdly ridiculous and semi-meritless expectations some have.
Do I think Chizik is the long term answer? No. I don't. But he met expectations on the field and is working well in recruiting. That buys him more time to ultimately succeed or fail.
Make all the excuses you want but that was the worst defense Auburn has ever fielded. That's on him. It concerns me that if Malzahn decides to leave that the offense could be in similar straits. If all Chizik is capable of doing is hiring good assistants and paying them a ton of money, couldn't you, or I or, let's not get carried away. But couldn't most of us do the same?
The hire itself will forever suck. It was a dark moment. If it works out long-term it will be because Chizik overcame it not because Jacobs was some sage.
I'm not sold on Chizik by any stretch. But I no longer want to lynch him. Nor do I think it's time to build monuments in his anticipated honor as a few seem bound to do.
You make a good point about the assembling of quality coaches. And the thought of Malzahn leaving gets me back to those chest pains. Without the offense this year, we may have won 2-3 games.
But I'm going to go a step in the other direction and give some credit to Chizik for making it all work pretty well. Anyone can make the hires and hand over the paychecks (as you noted), but it does take something to earn the respect of all those you brought in to follow your leadership. It does take some vision and well thought out communication (a blue print, if you will

) to get everyone on the same page and not let it all fall apart as time goes on.
Remember, aside from Trooper and Luper, these guys were all new to each other. To bring in different guys from different backgrounds that have all learned their trade from different people, and to get them all cooperating and working seemingly well together is impressive...
....which leads me to saying Chizik is impressive...which I hesitate to do. But hey,
maybe it's time I get over the hesitation and say what my logic is leading me to...the job of making all the parts work together has been impressive, and that has to be credited to the head man.
And while it has been impressive (or a surprise), I won't be brimming with confidence until some of these assistants disappear to other jobs and Chizik fills the holes. If he can do that over time, and keep things going....we may have something to be confident in. Until then, the confidence factor remains in limbo.