Many people, myself included, dislike the Cowboys organization because it actively advertised itself as a sports franchise calling itself " America's Team". I am older and although I could appreciate the Cowboy Cheerleaders, that overated homer of a half assed QB, Don Meredith of MNF, the series "Dallas" and even the NFL itself helped build that image. It wasn't enough to be one of the better teams in the NFL, usually 3rd or 4th best, that franchise always had an unfair advantage over all others.
Don't care for running the score up on any team. No Auburn team I have seen going back to Jordan ever pulled that poop on another team, especially an SEC rival.
Brett drops a notch with me for that though I didn't see the game. That team should be more interested in keeping Farve healthy than to allow him to show up the opposition and why isn't the 3nd guy in anyway?