This is my oldest brother who lives in Louisville, KY.
That's close enough to Ohio... So, I just started working a project in Mason, Ohio, which is a suburb of Cincinnati. Apparently, the Democratic Socialist Smoke Nazi's passed an indoor smoking ban last year that's so strict, it's putting companies out of business. These places are closing so quickly that I'm still finding several websites, listings and reviews on the Internet for cigar bars that no longer exist in the area. This thing is apparently worse than the Kaleeforneya version. It's crazy! We're talking about businesses with 20+ year histories are having to close their doors because the state government has effectively banned their business's operating model. I must have called six different places last night, and their numbers are disconnected. I guess they didn't have the money or courage to fight for exemptions. It's really unbelievable to think that shit like that can happen in the United States. You just wait for Vladimir Klinton or Osama Hussein Obama to get elected.
Well, with the Nazi smoke ban in Ohio, I hear that Kentucky is the safe-haven for smokers. Apparently, the border town bars have been inundated with Ohio's smokers. Does anyone know where I could enjoy a cigar in the general area of Cincinnati without risking hypothermia or driving 50+ miles??? I've heard rumors of some "private" clubs that may still allow smoking, but does anyone have any info?