Okay, this is one of the many reasons:
First baby born in Huntsville in 2010 takes middle name from Crimson Tide
January 01, 2010, 7:28PM
HUNTSVILLE, AL -- The University of Alabama's undefeated football season played into the naming of Shellie Wise's third child.
Wise, 22, of Athens, gave birth to 2010's first baby in Huntsville at 6:01 a.m. His name is Cayden Crimson Wise.
"I've always been an Alabama fan," said Wise, who had been scheduled to check into Huntsville Hospital for a Caesarean section on Monday.
"At first I was thinking of Jackson for a middle name, but then I heard someone say the word 'Crimson,' and I just thought, 'You know, I like the way that sounds.' "
And with Alabama on its way to compete for the national championship in less than a week, now seemed like a good time to use the name.
Wise, a home health worker, has a son, Landon, and daughter, Hannah, ages 5 and 4.
When she began experiencing labor pains, the new mom had her grandmother drive her to the hospital shortly before 4 a.m., "and I thought they'd send me back home." Instead, her infant was in her arms two hours later.
Wise said Huntsville Hospital gave her a gift bag and gift basket to commemorate Cayden's place in history.
I guess little "crimson" is glad that his Mah didn't hear someone say, "Shit".
Notice, no mention of a father in that little story...and she now has three children at the old age of 22.
3090 - What kind of a loser would saddle a child with that? Seriously nothing says 'doomed to be a stupid redneck' like being named after a friggin football team.
bigwillie09 - What a redneck. Maybe the "Crimson" is really named after "Johnnie Walker Red". Their daughter's middle name is probably "Black and Mild".