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Lebo's Lovable Losers Drop Another One


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Re: Lebo's Lovable Losers Drop Another One
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2009, 10:15:30 AM »

Whatever. I don't move anything.  100% consistent.

You ask for clarification. I give it.  Nothing moved. Except maybe your ....nevermind.

Follow this:

I just want somebody with intensity and passion for the game.  I want somebody who is going to get out and get noticed.

I think I want the same things from any coach in any sport. 

Then....the goal posts move with this:

I do want our football coach to be a good representative and media accessible, but if you want to know the truth that's really not Chizik's forte either.  Chizik has the personality of a damp dishrag in media situations.  He's not "fuck you" like Saban which enthralls the abuse-loving media and he's not Handshake Harry like Tuberville was.  Chizik is clearly uncomfortable in that role.  Maybe he grows into it.  But he's not ready for it now.  His SEC Media Days appearance was Ron-Jeremy's-dick-in-a-latino-whorehouse stiff.   He doesn't have to be Chris Rock, but he could loosen up a little.

Noting that you've added a public speaking requirement to intensity, passion, and getting noticed to your list of coaching criteria, I ask:

Would you like to amend your criteria as stated previously?

And you decline.

You'll claim that you never changed anything.  That's fine, but it's as plain as day to everyone else.
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On the off-chance that the fairy tales ain't bunk
And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
To get motel parking lot, balcony crunk.


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Re: Lebo's Lovable Losers Drop Another One
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2009, 11:23:09 AM »
Follow this:

Then....the goal posts move with this:

Noting that you've added a public speaking requirement to intensity, passion, and getting noticed to your list of coaching criteria, I ask:

And you decline.

You'll claim that you never changed anything.  That's fine, but it's as plain as day to everyone else.

You say amend.  I say clarify.  There are a lot of things I expect out of a coach and his staff.  Some are more important than others. 

Day is hardly plain to you, my friend. 
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