Two scenarios. Harboring two totally different emotions. In this case the two different emotions presented the same reaction. Crying. If you're asking me if there's a difference in the two situations the answer is an obvious yes.
Here's a question for you. Say your buddy cries because you and him are watching a scary movie. He cried from fear. Now say your buddy cries because he's watching the birth of his daughter. He cried from happiness. What is your reaction to the two situations? Are they the same? Of course not, but both cried didn't they? The two different situations merited one of them a reasonable or acceptable time to cry and one of them an embarrassing time to cry.
Flip it up...
My buddy cries cause his baby is being born... I'm like, "shit dude, it's a damn baby. It smells funny, will leach hundreds of thousands of dollars off you before you die, and your wife is the one going through all the pain... wtf is wrong with you?"
But it's not a scary movie that makes my other friend cry... it's the fact that he's worked 12 hours days 4 years in a row towards a promotion, and doesn't get it. That's what makes tears come. Fuck no I'm not going to bash on him for letting a few tears fall when he gets the news. Being emotionally dedicated to something then have it fall to shambles? Yeah, I'll turn the other way while you drop a few salty wet ones.
OK, so I wouldn't be like that to a friend having a kid. But the fact is, I'm not making fun of Ingram because he cried... I'm making fun of the bammers that think there's a huge difference. Extreme emotion... sadness, happiness... whatever it is, the fact is that EXTREME emotion causes tears.
They're all "crybaby, crybaby, crybaby." Then when one of their guys cries on national TV.... "oh, it's different."