Allow me a moment to jump in here.
I don't know without a doubt that Chizik and his staff aren't cheating to get recruits.
I don't have proof the Moon landing was fake.
I don't have evidence that the government lies to us more than we could ever imagine.
I don't have documentation that the majority of Bama fans are cousin humping loser methmouths.
The lack of quantifiable evidence doesn't stop me from believing any of the above.

But (except for the moon landing) we can go on and on with all kinds of examples and ideas as to why we think the government lies and why we KNOW most bama fans are CHLM....
So I think you can at the very least give us some insight into why you're so sure we're cheating. I'm not saying everything is perfect in every recruiting case, but why are we cheating? Just because we're getting good recruits? Does that mean Tuberville cheated when he got them? Does that mean Richt is cheating? Miles? Meyer? Saban? Brown? Carroll? Stoops? Where is the line drawn on who is just a good group of recruiters and gets the "cheating" label?
Personally, when you look at the kind of kids we get a lot of the time, I don't think it's a coincidence that a lot of them mention "we're just going to pray about it" and "I just want to be where God wants me to be". Those kinds of statements are pretty common in Auburn recruits. Not all, but quite a few, and I would say a higher % than you see from the kids that end up at Bama and LSU, etc. The reason is that much of our staff have the same priorities in their own lives, and that attracts those kinds of kids and families. Most of those types (Dyer types) aren't going to find that common ground with the staff at Tennessee or at Alabama or at LSU. That's just a fact.
And on a bigger scale, we all can agree that Auburn (in general, not in every single case) tends to draw a particular kind of person. Not all the same religiously or from the same background, but most of us know that we knew at some specific point that Auburn was a special place and that we (individually) were "Auburn people". I don't know why would should think that is any different when it comes to recruits. I believe that there are some who come to Auburn and find that there is something inside them that knows Auburn is special, it's different, and that it's where they want to be. Read my signature....that's the kind of player I'm talking about.
Anyway, just curious if you do have specific reasons for accusing them of cheating, or if you just assume it because all the good programs do it?