By the way, I'm not wasting the $0.99 on the mp3, but if someone decides to, hit me up with a PM.
Everybody knows that is Travis Williams right? Our former All-Everything MLB and current defensive GA.
And my projects partner in Great Books.
Yeah. I'm not so sure about that. First it was Great Books II and now it's Great Books. Did you take the DKW class "Name Dropping 101"?
Yes, I carried his ass through that class.
I just finally got around to installing ReplayMusic and it doesn't work on my machine (as I suspected). I used to use Audacity to do this, but that aspect of it stopped working on my new machine.
"Lock-n-Load and Do What We Do!!!"I think it's pretty kick ass, that's just me...I like kick ass music.
I'm partial to "This the home of six in a row/We make your school go broke tryin to find another coach"