Translation II: You're obsessed with proving me wrong and have hung your hat on this flimsy effort.
Quit responding to me. It shows how pathetically obsessed you are with me.

If asking for some sort of verification before making a definitive statement is "wrong" then by god, you've got me, Chizzer.
Again, you're mischaracterizing your own argument to save face. You clearly said that "that fuckbag" had nothing to do with it. You supported this by "lack of evidence" (common sense need not apply).
I was wrong not to just leap off there and put the Dundie Award in Jay's meaty hands.
Who did this? Link? All anyone ever said was "Whoa now, come on dude, he did at least play a small part in the negotiations."
Even if I give you this one, I'm still batting about .987 so it's cool. You can have it if you want it.
Only cause you're keeping score. Akin to a bammer national championship...