Didn't read the ENTIRE article but I did see something on either Hannity or O'Reilly where some guy that had exposed human caused Global Warming as a hoax is getting threatened and hacked. There was also a memo from a pro-global warming organization I believe that was stating that they could not prove if there was actually any global warming and when they could they still couldnt prove it was caused by human activites, and that it was very frustrating to them not to be able to do this because the evidence goes contrary to what they lobby/stand for. If someone knows what I am talking about and finds the article, please post. It sounds like it may be related to what you posted above.
The environmental loons (Al Gore) are just like the race baiters (Sharpton, Jackson). Its all a money game. There is no real problem. So problems are "fabricated" so that they have jobs and a purpose. Its a money train they ride. Notice when things get real quiet on either front, they start making noise? Kind of like the firefighter who gets bored and wants to be a hero so he goes and sets fire to a house so he can put it out. Don't laugh - Ive read stories where this has happened.
Oh yeah - here's to Al Gore and his 27,000 gigawatt a day house...