Fuck a scorecard. If you hire the best candidates, the rest will take care of itself. If the best candidates are never black, then that sounds like a problem black people need to address internally to "make" themselves better candidates. If you don't get a education, learn how to articulate, construct a resume, learn how to communicate and have the will to want to better yourself - then thats not my problem Jack!
And Kaos, there are no black helicopters here. This is plain as day. Conspiracies are at least semi-private and not known to the masses. I heard Evian Woodberry on Sportscall last night talking about the Eric Smith lawsuit. I can't believe people don't see right through these "journalists". This is all planned. Its all part of the state wide push to try and destroy Auburn. Been happening for years. Dye and Tubs evened the playing field somewhat but now apparently there is hell to pay for us dumb ole Barners. Lets just say Woodberry is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The Eric Smith lawsuit stories
The minority hiring scorecard
The janitor lawsuit
All being written about the week before the Bama game. You do the math folks.