Just because she was on finebaum doesn't really shed light on the weight of her case. With that being said, she probably should have not been a guest on his show. I see no benefit to it.
I'm just intrigued as to why she chose to file it in U.S. District Court in Alabama? This tells me one thing though, she is claiming at least $75,000 in damages.
It has nothing to do with the case. Really. Nothing.
This will be talked about ad nauseum for the next week. Hell, even more than that. When Eric Smith still plays in the Iron Bowl and isn't punished further, it will be a talking point until February. The media will try to tarnish Chizik's reputation as a good disciplinarian without basing anything on actual facts.
Why was she on Finebaum? And why the hell was she taking callers? This case was just released today, and she's already out helping spread the idea that Eric Smith and other football players are getting away with violence. Nothing's been proven except that Eric Smith was charged with third degree assault. Third degree is the least of the three, correct?
So what this amounts to me is an effort to cause controversy, and it was started by none other than Paul Finebaum.
This man would know what to do: