Yes a backup plan. You make sure your own is taken care of. Right now, if I were in the Army and were a single parent, I would ask my parents, I would also have asked my brother or someone else in case something happend and my parents couldn't do it.
No, the Army wouldn't have made her get on the plane if she had show up with the child in her arms. I think the article stated that.
So you are stating that because someone in an article after the fact stated that they would not have done that, then it is true, they would not have done it?
You think folks enlisted in the Army are like you and me? You think they always have the family and support structure that we have?
I don't like the fact that there are single parents (moms) in the Army. Maybe the situation could have been handled better, but an Army cook is not at the top of the knowledge pole.
And don't think for a second that the Army would not have called child services and then put her on the plane anyway. The Army does whatever the hell it wants to do. As a soldier, you are the official property of the Army. You don't have rights, you have requests.
Do we really think that the paperwork for a hardship would have gone through before she was to deploy? How many of you in the Army have ever had ANY paperwork go through quickly?
Do we really know if her superiors were notified and what they said? Many Sgts do what they want and threaten to bust your rank if you go above them. Did this happen here?
At this point in time, the Army needs to get their money's worth out of this woman. If that means working her extra here in the states,then so be it. If it means busting her rank down, then that too. But I damn sure don't think they need to let her out. But I also feel they need to work together in this.