Not enough time. You have to generate a profile and create a personality to go with it. Something cool, calm, under the radar, and build on it for a month or two. Something like this: aU-s00paskiLlz is going to be sniffed out as a troll immediately. However, AUlawfan or something nonassuming goes by unnoticed for a while.
Get in on a few discussions, play both sides. "While I do agree with the majority of your point, let me ask you this and get your opinion on this side of it... blahblahblah."
Get 15 people to do that over 2 months, then one day just generate a huge shit storm.... drag everybody you've talked to over the past 2 months into it. "Well, according to so-and-so your fucking wrong. Go ask them, they'll fuckin' tell you. We talked on PM, they called you a fucking idiot."
Stir the pot, then watch the smoke.
Not that I have any personal experience in this... I must have just read it on the internet somewhere.