Let me show you how easy this is to turn right around on you....
Well, Kaos, since you're clowning again I'm going to go ahead and give you what you deserve here. Minus profanity and dealt from a perfectly rational, logical perspective.
First, many threads you start, like the "Josh Moon Rapes Chizik", and other rants about how we are a "Hindenburg", are not about searching for answers or seeking meaning. It's about one thing and one thing only. You.
It's a manifestation of your need for validation, of your craving to have people agree with you or take your "side" against whatever evil empire you've created in your mind.
You didn't really post the article, or make your case, so much as you stated your completely biased position, trolled for support and dared anyone to challenge your own myopic way of thinking.
Anyone who disagreed with you in this thread (or really in any other) would be greeted with your patented "Chizdick Sucking Loon," or "Fucking idiot" reply in which you restated your original position and added a few colorful animal raping adjectives, a "go fuck yourself" or a "

" emoticon for emphasis.
You have a pre-ordained agenda here, and it isn't about Auburn, it's not about seeking truths regarding the current situation, it's not about trying to figure out how things reached this point (a point which is not as dire as you're want to make it). It's about you being Kaos.
You don't have, or want an answer. You want to score mental points so you can high five your Live Doll or whack off to the latest KISS album while painted up as one of the freak bastards, because you "showed them".
You claim you are interested in "debate." How ridiculous. Do you honestly see it that way? You're never about anything other than advancing your own agenda. You have no more interest in "debate" than Raven has in getting within 100 yards of you. Don't be disingenuous. It's beneath even you.
You have little interest in debate for two reasons. One, you aren't capable and slide off into diversion and spin and when that gets you nowhwere, foot-stomping dinosaurian rants begin. Two, because you're generally not interested in having your opinion changed. Anyone that's been here for more than a week knows that you're not going to change your mind, or respect what anyone else has to say if it isn't in line with what you've been pushing in your Chizik rants.
I've been writing for a long time. At least since kindergarten. I'm not paid to have an opinion and to defend it however. When you're writing you rarely get a couple of weeks to "wait and see how things pan out, but thank God, I'm just a guy in the steel busines, so I can just relax and wait because my well being doesn't depend on me having to have an ironclad opinion right now. People still want an opinion though, right or wrong. They want it so they can call you an idiot if you're wrong or if they disagree or so they can use what you say as ammunition when making their own arguments. That's one reason I come across the way I do sometimes. I form my opinion and I live with it. It's part of being on a message board. Again, thank goodness I'm not a professional writer.
So you can keep on if you want. Doesn't matter to me either way. But you should at least be honest with yourself. Period.