Not as shitty as Canadian Mist. If I must drink that stuff, I usually go ahead and
before I open the bottle just to get it out of the way.
Somebody told me that Canadian Mist tasted damn close to Crown, so I tried it once. Holy. Shit. I tried to find a cat so I could lick its ass to get the taste out of my mouth. Worst taste evar. For whatever reason, I think Jack tastes just like Crown though. I always have to mix my Crown due to stomach issues. If I drink it straight I will regret it for a week. I only drink once every few months though, so whatever.
I do think out of all the Crown, Special Reserve is the best. I've tried them all, and I couldn't even tell the difference in Crown XR and regular Crown. If you're drinking Special Reserve though, you will notice a difference in taste.