Difference is that they were #1 when they lost both games.
First game they dropped to #5, and four polls later they were at #1 again.
After the second lost at #1, they dropped to #5 again, only to rise to #2 in the very next poll.
I swear I hate how lucky those corn dog bastards are. They get blown out at home by Florida in 2003...no problem, national title.
They lose two games in the last 6 weeks of the season, including the last regular season game. No problem, national title. Teams in front of them spent every weekend shooting themselves in the foot with grenade launchers while LSU wins the "who sucks the least at the right time" lottery and backs into the title game at #2.
Auburn 2004? Nope. Nothing, no help whatsoever. #1 and #2 go wire to wire for the first time in history while Auburn sits helpless at #3.
Man I hate those purple wearing bengal cocksuckers.