I thought our secondary looked pretty good the last two weeks. Tough to beat Touchdown Jesus and his striped shirt protectors. Just one small example:

You know what, I was watching that game and now I remember them spoting that ball a little further than where the ball actually was when Tebow's knee touched. I remember that little yellow line and saying he didn't get it...but then I wondered why they were even going for a measurement because it looked like he was a close to a full yard short of the yellow line (I know that the yellow line isn't always correct, but it's a pretty close reference marker for those of us watching on TV). I also remember none of the commentators talking about the spot of the ball and wishing that they'd show the replay, which of course they didn't.
Like I told Boar Titties, Arkansas got hosed by the refs on more than one occasion and this was one of them. It was bad enough to have to hear Vern "Would that be an Incomplete Pass?" Lundquist call the game, but we got to watch the SEC Officials decide on who "they" wanted to win.