Team A has 100 fans.
Team B has 300 fans.
Team A has 80 fans who know the fight song.
Team B has 80 fans who know the fight song.
Team A= 80%
Team B= 27%
Team A has a vastly larger percentage of fans know the school's fight song.
Since I conducted the comparison study, let me break it down for you.
Team A (Auburn) had 10 fans, 9 of whom knew the fight song. Sample 10 was a chick that was wearing an Auburn sweatshirt simply because she was cold - said she had no dog in the fight. She's what is referred to as an outlier.
Team A = 90%.
Team B (bammer) had 15 fans, none of whom knew their fight song. Each person in this sample group admitted to being lifelong, diehard fans.
Team B = 0%
*Even after being supplied with the opening words of the song (Yea Alabama), none could correctly fill in the blank. Roughly 1/3 responded with "roll tahd" while the remaining 2/3 stood there with a dullard look on their face.