I can remember back in HS, our coaches did something is why Im thinking this. We were about to play a big rivalry team, of which decided who would take top seat. We were more of a mixed school of different races playing a school that had a problem with that. During the pep-rally, it seemed that we had some visitors from our rivals that dropped notes in our lockers with the intent to really piss people off. Mostly racial slurs. Well, it exploded from there. The opposing team fans were talking of KKK and all this crap. When we got to their stadium, it was like were fixing to march on MLK day right through town. The stadium announcer come on the loud speaker telling folks that they couldnt leave the gates till after the game was over for fear of people getting hurt in the parking lots. When we came back out at halftime, on our sidelines from one goal line to the other was black dudes dressed in all black like it was a clip from "Boyz in da Hood". Apparently some of the guys on our team called some cousins in B'ham which called some cousins, which called some cousins, which......I'll have to admit, I was scared. Anyway, we won.
About 10 years later and our HC at the time had moved on to coach in Tennessee, we found out that it was our own HC and staff that put those damn notes on our freakin lockers. They had no idea though that it was going to escalate.