This is yet another case of oversensitive PC bullshit like Imusgate.
Starting with the girl who said the other golfers were going to lynch Woods.
Ok, yeah, I can see where that was bad, but she clearly didn't intend it to be. In my world, you laugh at the unfortunate coincidence in the word choice, and you move on.
And now this about the dude getting fired for putting a noose on the cover when COVERING the story about how she brought up lynching? That's beyond ridiculous in my opinion.
I mean, what the hell else could they have put on the cover, since that's the topic of the cover story? Were they allowed to reference the lynching quote on the inside?
Let alone the fact that people are acting like a noose is equal to pointy topped white sheet robes and a burning cross (although in this particular situation, that would have been appropriate too, since that what the friggin controversy is ABOUT). Like Hugh Jass said, like no one in the history of civilization has been executed by hanging besides at the hands of the KKK.
Ok, I'm done.