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Fun and nut punching


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Re: Fun and nut punching
« Reply #200 on: September 17, 2009, 01:37:01 AM »
Except for Dameyune Craig and Jason Campbell, haven't we had mostly "adequate" passers for the last 20 years?  I agree that we need some improvement from Todd in certain aspects (kill the back foot "jump shot" passes that have 4 second hang times, be more assertive in the pocket, etc), but I fee like he's pretty darn close to that "adequate" level of running this offense.  Like I mentioned before....he is at least as adequate as Casey tool was at Arkansas.

And while there is plenty to criticize about the first half last week, we can also go back and watch the fourth quarter of last years LSU game, where he showed he can actually make plays when needed as well.  We did take a lead late in that game, and in the end, he had 250 of our 320 yards (250 passing, and 22 rushing if you don't count sacks towards his rushing total....so really 272 yards).

   Todd knows what to do (has a clue) but poor footwork is his enemy. He hasn't been sacked as yet. If it makes any sense- he might make some contorted moves, but he knows what to do. He can get rid of the ball quickly, but maybe he watched too much of Bradfords multiple angled throws. He gives AU its best chance

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Re: Fun and nut punching
« Reply #201 on: September 17, 2009, 01:42:39 AM »
   Todd knows what to do (has a clue) but poor footwork is his enemy. He hasn't been sacked as yet. If it makes any sense- he might make some contorted moves, but he knows what to do. He can get rid of the ball quickly, but maybe he watched too much of Bradfords multiple angled throws. He gives AU its best chance

Until somebody else sees and comments on the first play of the last drive of the first half against MSU -- or maybe can post a link to it -- I think we should wait to pass judgment.  That was the sissiest thing I think I've ever seen a quarterback do.  I felt bad for his parents.  And grandparents.  His girlfriend got up and left the stadium.  He got none after the game.  None.  Might as well be married.  I could see a married guy making that sissy move because he'd want to save his ribs or shoulders for golf.  But not a college QB.  Somebody will kiss his boo boo. AND his bo bo.
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Re: Fun and nut punching
« Reply #202 on: September 17, 2009, 08:46:20 AM »
Koas, I watched the game again last night. What I found was 5 passes in the 1st half that he threw off his back foot. I didnt see any in the 2nd half, mainly because we ran the ball........the whole time. Of those 5 passes, 3 of them were in one drive of which completed and I think one of these left I think left Adams a little banged up. I think that had to do more with Todd throwing it up high for Adams. One other pass was very low and Adams probably could have caught. The one pass that I believe you are referring to was the pass Todd made when the defender cut of his throwing lane and then pursued Todd. Todd threw a side arm, off his back foot, towards Fannin. I was a dreadful pass but I would rather see that than an 8 yard loss. The drive for a score made those passes not look so bad but it is a concern. Todd, whether its luck or what, good of completed all but one of those passes. I dont really think that Malzahn is going to settle with that though. It definitely increases the chances of someone getting seriously injured or a series of interceptions.
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