The martyr keeps replying to me. RWS, will you explain the meaning of the word "ignore" to him?
After RWS comes and tells me about "ignore", I'm going to have him explain it to you. Since you've claimed your "ignoring Chopper" stance, you've either replied, or referred to me at least six times in this thread alone.
Second, have him keep the dictionary with him so he can read the word "martyr" and have him explain that I'm still here ready to take on whatever, and not the one that's committed message board suicide by hiding behind the ignore button.
Third, explain to Captain Smartass, that I have in fact actually been replying to OTHER people in this thread, and like Chizad pointed out, the world does NOT revolve around him. I am ONLY responding in this thread where I've been referred to by the one supposedly ignoring me. Nowhere else.... So obviously somebody has a false sense of paranoia or self importance here.