Umm...Sani, unless you were in the huddle on some of those fake handoffs, I'm pretty sure you were getting faked too. There was a couple times, I was cheering at Kodi, because I could've sworn he had taken the ball. I'm up in the stands, and I can't tell who had the ball some of the time, I'm pretty sure the Defense was having a hell of a time, trying to figure out who had the ball as Ontario blazed past them.
Also, I loved it when that commentator said...."Uh Oh".
Another thing, when Zachery scored, he was looking up at me and my step-brother, shakin' his head (we were sitting to the right of the guy in the blue jacket, one row up) because I was going bat shit crazy, basically elbowing everyone around me, while I was swingin' my arms around. That guy in the blue shirt had just turned around and told me that it was about to be a different ball game after they stopped us on that third and 4th attempt. He left not long after that TD.
Side Note: that guy was the former kicker for LaTech ('97-'99) yes that was the last two years that SPuat played Tech....and lost, lol. He also shared his Woodford with me and a dip of Copenhagen.