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My Day On Teh Planes


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My Day On Teh Planes
« on: August 22, 2009, 07:00:58 PM »
Just got back from Auburn and the TU Day.  Watched the practice/scrimmage at JHS and then toured the new basketball arena.  Buzz was up there so I await his take when he gets back.  Quick observations.

1. The practice, including the mock scrimmage was really just working on all conceivable situations with a strong emphasis on special teams early on.  Chris Todd ran all day with the ones and Rollison got one series all day.  It was the Chris Todd show.  The only other QB to play was a guy named Poole I believe who was running all the scout team snaps.  No other QB played.  There was no tackling at all and numerous first teamers were held out.

2. Chris Todd's arm is definitely stronger.  As I told Buzz, this means he's going to be able to throw it to the other team a lot quicker.  He did make some very good throws, but all in all, if today was any indication of what we can expect....we are in deeeeep shit. 

Now, having said that, I will admit that he didn't have all his weapons.  Billings and Zachary did not play, Tate and Fannin sat and two starting linemen were out as well.  But, they weren't tackling him and allowed him to throw every play.  He just plain got worse as the day wore on. What I am about to say is the most important part of my armchair QB rant.  Our entire season rests on the starting QB play.  PERIOD.  We have weapons...lots of them.  We have athletes on both sides of the ball.  We have direction.  The offense is well conceived and mixes it up very well.  A QB that simply distributes the ball on target will make this Offense a fucking machine.  Chris Todd made me want to throw up 4-5 times today.  I hope he had a bad day and things will be much better in two weeks.

3. Onterrio is a unbe-frickin-lievable.  He's the real deal in every sense of the word.  Fast, smooth, dynamic....He will make some highlite reel memories at Auburn...early.  Think Carnell but much faster.  Don't know how he takes a hit but I guess you've got to hit him first to find out.

4. The receiving corp is a 100% improvement over last year. Emory Blake didn't really get involved but DeAngelo Benton is a good looking kid and Anthony Gulley was probably more involved in the entire offense than anyone with the exception of Onterrio.  Walk on, Jay Wisner, did some really good things out there.  Jean Claude Van Damm Phillipe III was listed as #42 in the handout.  However, there was a #6 (Not listed) who I'm 99% sure was him, got in and looked pretty damn good.  Caught the ball well.  Trott did not play, nor did McKenzie.  Lutzenfrichenschteiner played a lot but they didn't throw to the TE.  This guy is a beast.  Serious size at 6'4" 264. 

5. Defensively, hard to tell since they weren't allowed to tackle.  Bates ran with the ones at safety and they ran a lot of nickel packages due to the lack of LB depth.  Nosa Eguae is a fast ass human being coming off the edge.  He worked Ziemba over several times.  Defensive Holdouts for injury were:

Zach Clayton: Looked good running on the sidelines.

Eltoro Freeman: Cast ont he hand and obviously stretching the hammy.  On a side note..this fuckers motor never stops running, even when he's not playing.  He was on the bike dancing his ass off the whole time.

D'Antoine Hood:  Ankle, I believe.  He's not running well at all.

Adam Herring:  He did a lot of running and stretching.  He looks to be moving pretty well and hopefully can get back soon.

Spencer Pybus: Did not dress out.

6. Overall...My opinion hasn't changed.  This team has some studs on both sides of the ball at the starting positions.  After that..it's a bit dicey.  The offense has more true weapons than we've had in some time but they'll be useless without a QB to run the show.  Again, Todd had better show more than he did today because we're 4-8 if that's his best.  To be fair, he did make some seriously good throws and looked like a leader.  But more than half of his plays were teh sux.  Defense looks fast and athletic.  Just keep the LB's healthy.  Coaching...a LOT of it.  TOTAL difference from years past.  These guys are vocal and consistently on top of everything.  Chizik, totally unlike Tuberville, is right in the middle of it at all times.  Good to see.

The new basketball arena will obviously be some top shelf shit.  To be honest, when you walk in the actual arena, it looks incredibly small. But then, 8600 ain't that big.  It's Duke size.  If they put some fannies in the stands, it should be loud and right on top of the action.  Looking forward to the completed product.     
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2009, 07:11:24 PM »
You can't spell.
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 07:26:55 PM »
You can't spell.

What, I nailed shiitake.
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2009, 07:55:36 PM »
Just got back from Auburn and the TU Day.  Watched the practice/scrimmage at JHS and then toured the new basketball arena.  Buzz was up there so I await his take when he gets back.  Quick observations.

1. The practice, including the mock scrimmage was really just working on all conceivable situations with a strong emphasis on special teams early on.  Chris Todd ran all day with the ones and Rollison got one series all day.  It was the Chris Todd show.  The only other QB to play was a guy named Poole I believe who was running all the scout team snaps.  No other QB played.  There was no tackling at all and numerous first teamers were held out.

2. Chris Todd's arm is definitely stronger.  As I told Buzz, this means he's going to be able to throw it to the other team a lot quicker.  He did make some very good throws, but all in all, if today was any indication of what we can expect....we are in deeeeep shiitake. 

Now, having said that, I will admit that he didn't have all his weapons.  Billings and Zachary did not play, Tate and Fannin sat and two starting linemen were out as well.  But, they weren't tackling him and allowed him to throw every play.  He just plain got worse as the day wore on. What I am about to say is the most important part of my armchair QB rant.  Our entire season rests on the starting QB play.  PERIOD.  We have weapons...lots of them.  We have athletes on both sides of the ball.  We have direction.  The offense is well conceived and mixes it up very well.  A QB that simply distributes the ball on target will make this Offense a effing machine.  Chris Todd made me want to throw up 4-5 times today.  I hope he had a bad day and things will be much better in two weeks.

3. Onterrio is a unbe-frickin-lievable.  He's the real deal in every sense of the word.  Fast, smooth, dynamic....He will make some highlite reel memories at Auburn...early.  Think Carnell but much faster.  Don't know how he takes a hit but I guess you've got to hit him first to find out.

4. The receiving corp is a 100% improvement over last year. Emory Blake didn't really get involved but DeAngelo Benton is a good looking kid and Anthony Gulley was probably more involved in the entire offense than anyone with the exception of Onterrio.  Walk on, Jay Wisner, did some really good things out there.  Jean Claude Van Damm Phillipe III was listed as #42 in the handout.  However, there was a #6 (Not listed) who I'm 99% sure was him, got in and looked pretty damn good.  Caught the ball well.  Trott did not play, nor did McKenzie.  Lutzenfrichenschteiner played a lot but they didn't throw to the TE.  This guy is a beast.  Serious size at 6'4" 264. 

5. Defensively, hard to tell since they weren't allowed to tackle.  Bates ran with the ones at safety and they ran a lot of nickel packages due to the lack of LB depth.  Nosa Eguae is a fast ass human being coming off the edge.  He worked Ziemba over several times.  Defensive Holdouts for injury were:

Zach Clayton: Looked good running on the sidelines.

Eltoro Freeman: Cast ont he hand and obviously stretching the hammy.  On a side note..this effers motor never stops running, even when he's not playing.  He was on the bike dancing his ass off the whole time.

D'Antoine Hood:  Ankle, I believe.  He's not running well at all.

Adam Herring:  He did a lot of running and stretching.  He looks to be moving pretty well and hopefully can get back soon.

Spencer Pybus: Did not dress out.

6. Overall...My opinion hasn't changed.  This team has some studs on both sides of the ball at the starting positions.  After that..it's a bit dicey.  The offense has more true weapons than we've had in some time but they'll be useless without a QB to run the show.  Again, Todd had better show more than he did today because we're 4-8 if that's his best.  To be fair, he did make some seriously good throws and looked like a leader.  But more than half of his plays were teh sux.  Defense looks fast and athletic.  Just keep the LB's healthy.  Coaching...a LOT of it.  TOTAL difference from years past.  These guys are vocal and consistently on top of everything.  Chizik, totally unlike Tuberville, is right in the middle of it at all times.  Good to see.

The new basketball arena will obviously be some top shelf shiitake.  To be honest, when you walk in the actual arena, it looks incredibly small. But then, 8600 ain't that big.  It's Duke size.  If they put some fannies in the stands, it should be loud and right on top of the action.  Looking forward to the completed product.     
My reaction? 

Todd had a couple of good plays last season.  And a bucket full of garbage ones.  It worries me that he is still the same guy with the same mentality. 

As for Chizik "getting in there mixing it up..."  That's really not what you pay a head coach for these days.  I'm not sure that's really a good thing in the overall scheme of things.  It would be better if he stayed at home and just read the practice reports. 
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2009, 08:28:35 PM »

What, I nailed shiitake.

Indeed you did, but unless your day with AU was at 30,000 feet, you may want to change it to "plains."
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2009, 08:32:03 PM »

Indeed you did, but unless your day with AU was at 30,000 feet, you may want to change it to "plains."
Not if he went with his little friend.......
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2009, 08:34:14 PM »
Not if he went with his little friend.......

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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2009, 11:02:35 PM »
We are Teh Planesmens.  Deal with it.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Buzz Killington

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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 08:42:40 AM »
After reading Birdman's take, I am in almost 100% agreement.  Todd had some zip on the ball all day, but in a live situation he would have been on his ass more than on his feet.
I believe the #6 that wasn't listed on the roster was Travante Stallworth though, and not Le Petit Prince.

I came away impressed with Quindarius Carr, Onterrio McCalebb and Anthony Gulley from the work we did get to see.  Also, I am still impressed with Trooper Taylor's ability to fire up and coach at the same time.  I really expect to see good things from the receiver corps this year...assuming Todd has the time to get them the ball.

This point cannot be stressed enough:  If there is a serious injury on the OL or in the LB corps, the season is F.U.C.K.E.D.  I did leave more impressed with the backups on the DL, although I'm not sure whether it was from their play or the skilled matadors I saw on the offensive front.  Nosa Eguae is going to be a beast once he gets some playing time, and Nick Fairley will be very good this season.

Also, I have to commend the coaching staff on their choice in music for the practice periods.  Maybe they need to choose the entrance song this season.  And never fear, Kaos; the team's helmet lining up skills are teh perfection.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2009, 10:03:23 AM by Buzz Killington »
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2009, 09:54:45 AM »
After reading Birdman's take, I am in almost 100% agreement.  Todd had some zip on the ball all day, but in a live situation he would have been on his ass more than on his feet.
I believe the #6 that wasn't listed on the roster was Dontae Stallworth though, and not Le Petit Prince.

I came away impressed with Quindarius Carr, Onterrio McCalebb and Anthony Gulley from the work we did get to see.  Also, I am still impressed with Trooper Taylor's ability to fire up and coach at the same time.  I really expect to see good things from the receiver corps this year...assuming Todd has the time to get them the ball.

This point cannot be stressed enough:  If there is a serious injury on the OL or in the LB corps, the season is F.U.C.K.E.D.  I did leave more impressed with the backups on the DL, although I'm not sure whether it was from their play or the skilled matadors I saw on the offensive front.  Nosa Eguae is going to be a beast once he gets some playing time, and Nick Fairley will be very good this season.

Also, I have to commend the coaching staff on their choice in music for the practice periods.  Maybe they need to choose the entrance song this season.  And never fear, Kaos; the team's helmet lining up skills are teh perfection.

Stallworth, huh?  You could...I say you could be right.  The guy wasn't in the program so I assumed from his size and speed that it was Jaques L'Amour.  The guys behind us kept harping on how bad Caudle looked with the scout team all day.  I eventually had to go Eric Smith on them.  (I'm turning myself in today)

Did you get the same impression I did when you walked in the basketball arena?  My first thought was, Troy's Sartain Hall is bigger.  The longer I stood in there, the bigger it seemed to be.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Buzz Killington

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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2009, 09:59:10 AM »
Stallworth, huh?  You could...I say you could be right.  The guy wasn't in the program so I assumed from his size and speed that it was Jaques L'Amour.  The guys behind us kept harping on how bad Caudle looked with the scout team all day.  I eventually had to go Eric Smith on them.  (I'm turning myself in today)

Did you get the same impression I did when you walked in the basketball arena?  My first thought was, Troy's Sartain Hall is bigger.  The longer I stood in there, the bigger it seemed to be.

Yeah...we kept asking the guy "are there about 20,000 pull out seats?"  The Hewitt-Trussville gym is bigger than this one.  Of course, it will make for one hell of a home court advantage...assuming it ever gets filled to capacity.

The more we started looking around though, the more we realized that we used to tailgate at about mid-court back in the early 80's.
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2009, 10:02:07 AM »
As I was standing there, I was thinking how many great basketball players will be competing on that very spot where I stood.  All Americans, future NBA stars, Hall of Famers..

Then, I realized that I was in Auburn.
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My doctor told me I needed to stop masturbating.  I asked him why, and he said, "because I'm trying to examine you."

Buzz Killington

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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2009, 10:04:48 AM »
As I was standing there, I was thinking how many great basketball players will be competing on that very spot where I stood.  All Americans, future NBA stars, Hall of Famers..

Then, I realized that I was in Auburn.
Well...the rest of the SEC will have to visit.
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2009, 10:14:38 AM »
Todd had some zip on the ball all day, but in a live situation he would have been on his ass more than on his feet.

If this is true, you can now consider me concerned.

That and your claims that the LB depth issue is in no way exaggerated...

I'm worried...
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2009, 10:19:40 AM »
If this is true, you can now consider me concerned.

That and your claims that the LB depth issue is in no way exaggerated...

I'm worried...

But we have Chizik.  Surely that will make the difference. 
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Buzz Killington

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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2009, 10:26:27 AM »
If this is true, you can now consider me concerned.

That and your claims that the LB depth issue is in no way exaggerated...

I'm worried...
Don't be quite as concerned about the OL issue.  Isom and Berry were standing on the sidelines all day in shorts.  I was honestly shocked to see how big McCain has gotten, and his footwork looked good.  I also look for Ziemba to have a breakout year compared to last season, because he has his size back.

Now, as for the LB group... :puke:
Josh Bynes looks like an animal.  Stevens will be a bell cow on one side.  Unfortunately, we didn't get to see teh Bull, but by all accounts he will be a force also on the other end.  After that.  NOTHING.
Seeing the "second stringers" standing there, made me think the starters were all at least 6'10" 275lb.

Back to the OL.  I thought #79 was Bostrom, but I wasn't sure if it was he or Jared Cooper.  Whichever, he looked like a solid candidate for a backup Guard spot.  As for the OT spot, I'm not sure there is a legitimate candidate for a backup.  I'm assuming that if either Tackle goes down, Berry will play Center and Pugh would move to the outside.

Oh, one more thing.  He never got in the action that I noticed, but Dontae Ayman meat looked the part of a big bruising back.  Methinks with Smith's arrest, he will most likely see some playing time as a true freshman.
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2009, 10:32:10 AM »
Jay Tate says you guys are Debbie Downers...


Something happened on Saturday to give Taylor added clarity. Observers indicated that Auburn's passing game, led by starting quarterback Chris Todd, showed surprising improvement when comparison to scrimmages held earlier this month.

As I have no reason do doubt the veracity of your observations, I can only conclude that previous practices must have been  :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:
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Buzz Killington

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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2009, 10:45:32 AM »

Something happened on Saturday to give Taylor added clarity. Observers indicated that Auburn's passing game, led by starting quarterback Chris Todd, showed surprising improvement when comparison to scrimmages held earlier this month.

I am normally not a sunshine pumper nor a Debbie Downer, but if Todd's performance Saturday was improved from others, I may just start throwing kittens from my office window this morning.
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2009, 10:47:06 AM »
Todd came out and zipped his first throw, hitting the guy in stride 15-20 yards down field.  He put several out patterns right on the money and tossed a couple of "Long balls", about 30-40 yard posts, for scores.  He also made quite a few throws that made you go, "WTF was that?"  They weren't tackling so he had all day to throw (And he took most of the day several times).  They also weren't running against the ones most of the time so he wasn't throwing against the top DBs.  He tossed one of those post patterns right to some 3rd or 4th string DB at the goal line, who wasn't even coordinated enough to catch one in the breadbasket.  

I'm not saying he didn't do some good things.  He did.  And (Here goes the excuses and the hoping) maybe this defense had seen these plays 8000 times and pretty much knew what was coming.  We can only hope.  
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Re: My Day On Teh Planes
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2009, 12:36:52 PM »
I have a feeling, that Chris fucking Todd is going to once again cause me to be an alcoholic this football season...  Just fucking start Rollison...
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Redskins cornerback DeAngelo Hall said, "Guys don't mind hitting Michael Vick in the open field, but when you see Cam, you have to think about how you're going to tackle him. He's like a big tight end coming at you."