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The Nine: Reasons (Or Excuses) to Get Behind the Chris Todd Decision


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The Nine: Reasons (Or Excuses) to Get Behind the Chris Todd Decision
Posted by Kevin Ives August 18, 2009 10:41 AM
Categories: Football

Old news really, but frankly good news. Auburn has a starting QB and his name is Chris Todd. I'm sure, almost a week later, some fans are still scratching their heads or maybe beginning to lose faith in the upcoming season (I know personally of a few friends that have). However, all is not lost. Here's a quick primer with 9 reason (or excuses for some) to justify the Chris Todd choice.

1. IT'S A DECISION- While you might not agree with the choice, it's still a choice. Think back to the start of last year. You remember it well don't you fellow Plainsmen? Auburn was still buzzing about the Peach Bowl (with the chicken sponsor) and how Tony Franklin managed to soft install only part of the offense, yet still managed to beat a highly respected ACC team. Then the spring came and the battle for QB began. Even going through fall camp and spring ball there was no clear leader at QB. Fans and the media didn't even know who was going to start at QB until the first game. Not even that, Auburn fans breathlessly waited in the stadium itself and the jumbotron lineup to see who would get the nod (much to our dismay BOTH Todd and Kodi Burns were named QB).

This is college football, not American Idol. Auburn fans and players themselves shouldn't have to wait until minutes before kickoff to know who is leading the team. That shows poor planning and starts the season off on a sour note.

Now we have a QB. Now Auburn can actually INSTALL the offense and work on timing (key to Mal-ball) and not have to continue to split reps during practice. The QB is the QB and the debate is now over.

2. THE OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR MADE THE DECISION- This is probably the most promising. Instead of a defensive minded head coach choosing who'll lead the offense, we get the man who will actually call plays (Gus Malzhan). This isn't the say that Gene Chizik didn't have a say in the matter, I'm sure he did. However, he was probably less hands on than Tuberville was. One of the major problems between Tuberville and Franklin involved Tuberville taking limited control over the offense and slowly but surely reverting it back to Nallsminger ball.

3. HE HAS A BETTER OFFENSE TO WORK WITH: Better receivers, more experienced lineman, and an offense that can actually rely on Auburn's strengths (Running Backs) instead of it's weaknesses (receivers). King Gus's offense is all about timing (which he's repeated in numerous interviews. The biggest knock on Chris Todd is arm strength. Not a problem in this Offense. From what I've seen from watching film of Malzhan team's in action, the QB just needs good timing and good decision making (both of which Todd has). He doesn't need a cannon. However, Auburn fans will probably get a pleasant surprise now that Todd has had a full year to rehab his shoulder.

4. HE'S A SENIOR- Granted with his medical history and redshirts and transfers, he's not your typical senior. However, he's a senior nonetheless. With a senior comes both experience and leadership. Also, this is really the last go round for Chris Todd. This is the time to prove himself. The choice has alraedy affected the team in a positive way because:

5. HE'S BECOME A RALLYING POINT- Last year, apparently (it was never spoken of during the season), there was a split and divide amongst the team over the QB race. This year, it's just the opposite. Ben Tate and others have been vocal in their support of Todd and the legend of Kodi Burns has grown ever so slightly with his unselfishness and support of a former competitor. Instead of wanting someone else, the team is now fully supporting Todd and his role at QB. Probably because:

6. HE WON THE JOB- Fair and square. It was his to win and he did. Auburn held a competition and Chris Todd came out on top, plain and simple. There was no other way to really go about selecting a QB. Also, he won the job free from any bias from Tony Frankln and free from any other outside factors. He won the job simply on his own merits. Probably because:

7. HE'S STILL A SOLID QUARTERBACK- Let's face it, Auburn fans gave Chris Todd a hard time because of problems we saw with Tony Franklin,Frustration over a season slowly spinning the drain, and faith in Kodi Burns. However, he has to be at least somewhat decent if he's been around this long. Mike Leach thought he was good enough to give a scholarship, Tony Franklin has been high on the guys since High School, Tommy Tuberville allowed him to come to Auburn, Gus Malzhan and Gene Chizik picked him to run the 09 Offense, and he's still a legend in Kentucky. All of these coaches saw something in Todd, something Auburn fans are hoping to see. Maybe that something is:

8. HE'S GOT A CHIP ON HIS SHOULDER- If you are any type of Auburn fan, you know Auburn fans are underdogs. We root for the underdogs, we cheer for the underdogs, Auburn teams play better when folks count us out. So here we have a QB who's like a journeyman pitcher in the MLB finally getting his call up. He's bounced from team to team waiting for a solid opportunity and he's ready to prove himself. He's had to have heard the derision. The "noodle arm" comments and the doubts in his ability. However, if anything, it just has to make him stronger. It has to give him a little fire in his stomach, it has to just warm his coffee in the morning. He's given a final shot, a last salvo if you will to stand up and prove to Auburn and prove to himself why he plays the game. It's time to show Auburn that:

9. HE'S THE ONLY GOOD THING TO COME OUT OF THE TONY FRANKLIN EXPERIMENT- It will probably be a blessing in disguise that Chris Todd is even on Auburn's campus. Yes, he is here because of Tony Franklin. However, that shouldn't diminish his ability in any way shape of form. Nor should it add any credence and semblance to Tony Franklin's ability as an Offensive Coordinator (note to Middle Tennessee State fans, good luck with that). You can't write a better story than the one Chris Todd can write for himself in 09. He can shut up the critics, shut up the fans, and shut up any doubters he's ever had, just by being the QB that everyone thought he can be.
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Re: The Nine: Reasons (Or Excuses) to Get Behind the Chris Todd Decision
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 12:54:17 PM »
#6 is the only legit reason/excuse in the entire article.
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You can keep a wooden stake in your trunk
On the off-chance that the fairy tales ain't bunk
And Imma keep a bottle of that funk
To get motel parking lot, balcony crunk.

Re: The Nine: Reasons (Or Excuses) to Get Behind the Chris Todd Decision
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2009, 01:05:26 PM »
Nor should it add any credence and semblance to Tony Franklin's ability as an Offensive Coordinator (note to Middle Tennessee State fans, good luck with that).

Because he failed at every other job he's had as offensive coordinator...oh wait

Agreed though, No. 6 is the only real reason.
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Re: The Nine: Reasons (Or Excuses) to Get Behind the Chris Todd Decision
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 01:07:08 PM »
True Was. ...and in the end its the only thing that matters.
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