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Line them helmets up right, boy!

Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2009, 04:01:53 PM »
Can you just make Chopper smarter? That way, I wouldn't need to use so many words.

I love all this back and forth shit, but frankly, look over your "answers" or responses to what I wrote, and as tired as you got looking up stats, you did it all for nothing.  You either manufactured, or altered a response to make a debate where there was none, or did the classic BG and Kaos misdirection.  I didn't go to all those other places, you did.  I kept it simple.  The fact you can't and tried to blow it up is just funny.

Nowhere did I claim Chizik is a slam dunk.  Nowhere did I say that he had anything more than a better opportunity at Auburn, and my reasons for that opinion.  Your dinkle nuts ass went and looked up stats to support an argument to support your own freaking opinion, and not one I needed explained again and again.

The fact remains, that Chizik proved nothing while at Iowa State, one way or the other.  I'm impressed thus far with the staff and efforts at Auburn.  Because of my knowledge of his situation at Iowa State, I believe he can do much better here with the support and tools available to him.

The other thing I was pointing out was that while you and Poon Clown mock us for supporting Chizik, or offering opinions on our situation, you're doing the EXACT same thing.  You know nothing, but you manufacture bullshit and throw everything back in our faces as if you do.  It's laughable only in the fact that you're either too arrogant, or stupid to realize it.

Look up some more stats all you want, my point was made, and I don't think I really have to go further. 

You were completely weak today scissors.

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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2009, 04:51:17 PM »

Please, please stop quoting that shit.  I'm just fine not having to see it and I don't want to be tempted to respond to its blundering banality.  It's like reading the collected works of Barney Rubble. I don't have time for that.  Wouldn't be so bad, but Captain Caveman has no idea how to debate a point without immediately jumping into personal shit and then -- worst of all -- trying to pop off a few clever bon mots.  That's where the epic fail comes into place.   No, actually the epic fail comes when the jealous little fuck tries to equate me with BG (because we all know BG slapped him around like a pimp slaps a hooker who only earned $5 on a Friday night on the other board).  No, there's an even greater epic fail.  It comes when Uncle Oblivious declares himself the winner when it's readily apprarent to anyone with a fifth-grade education that he's been served his ass on a platter by whoever is unfortunate enough to be the target of one of his patented doobie-doobie penguin diatribes.  That's the true epic fail. 

As I've noted before it's like the snot nosed little fuck on the playground who gets his skull beaten to a pulp and then goes "oh yeah, yo momma!!" at the retreating form of whoever just turned his ass into a hat.  Then he high fives whoever is standing around feeling sorry for him, thinking that the disgust and boredom on the face of his foe somehow translates into a "win" with his clever jibe.  Doesn't realize that at some point people just get tired of beating the holy fuck out of him and walk away. (Perhaps the least self aware person on the planet).

Some people are word artisans, crafting linguistic sculputures with nuance and flavor like fine painters bring life to canvas with their brushes. Most are adequate wordsmiths, able to convey complex ideas with skill and flair.  

And then there are those who have all the verbal skill of a silverback gorilla on PCP.  

I block those.  It's like somebody filled their mouth with ExLax and they feel compelled to fling all the collected poop at the screen and call it debate.

The block feature is perfect for them. It's like somebody put a manhole cover over the sewer and now I don't have to jump over piles of raw steaming shit when I go for a stroll through the threads.  

Stop taking the manhole cover off, please.  
« Last Edit: August 10, 2009, 04:59:14 PM by Kaos »
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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2009, 05:01:39 PM »

And then there are those who have all the verbal skill of a silverback gorilla on PCP.  

I block those.  

But it says I have "0" people blocking me???
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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2009, 05:02:44 PM »
But it says I have "0" people blocking me???

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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2009, 05:33:29 PM »
I love all this back and forth shit, but frankly, look over your "answers" or responses to what I wrote, and as tired as you got looking up stats, you did it all for nothing.  You either manufactured, or altered a response to make a debate where there was none, or did the classic BG and Kaos misdirection.  I didn't go to all those other places, you did.  I kept it simple.  The fact you can't and tried to blow it up is just funny.
Nowhere did I claim Chizik is a slam dunk.  Nowhere did I say that he had anything more than a better opportunity at Auburn, and my reasons for that opinion.  Your dinkle nuts ass went and looked up stats to support an argument to support your own freaking opinion, and not one I needed explained again and again.
The stats were in direct response to you saying that none of the coaches I named came into the college coaching arena as fireballers. There was no other point or argument to those stats.

The fact remains, that Chizik proved nothing while at Iowa State, one way or the other.  I'm impressed thus far with the staff and efforts at Auburn.  Because of my knowledge of his situation at Iowa State, I believe he can do much better here with the support and tools available to him.
So, in those terms, I wonder why Shula didn't win a MNC? I mean, he had all the support and tools afforded to him at Alabama. He had halfass decent players. You and I both know the answer to this. You can have all the tools, resources, support, fanbase, etc that you want. It does not make you a better coach just by default. You have to have some idea what the fuck to do as a head coach to begin with. So, keep up with the "ISU is not Auburn" rhetoric all you want. Give him all the support and tools a coach could have. Its not going to mean he will be successful. Shula is a great example of that.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2009, 05:34:37 PM by runswithscissors »
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"You're too stupid to realize that I'm one of the levelheaded Auburn fans around here" - The Prowler

Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2009, 05:40:32 PM »
The stats were in direct response to you saying that none of the coaches I named came into the college coaching arena as fireballers. There was no other point or argument to those stats.

No. I didn't ask that.  I asked "Were all of them fireballers out of the gate?"

The answer was no, even using your info.

So, in those terms, I wonder why Shula didn't win a MNC? I mean, he had all the support and tools afforded to him at Alabama. He had halfass decent players. You and I both know the answer to this. You can have all the tools, resources, support, fanbase, etc that you want. It does not make you a better coach just by default. You have to have some idea what the fuck to do as a head coach to begin with. So, keep up with the "ISU is not Auburn" rhetoric all you want. Give him all the support and tools a coach could have. Its not going to mean he will be successful. Shula is a great example of that.

For this to be a logical retort, you'd have to recognize Chizik and Shula as being equal.  I don't.  So, this means nothing to what I've said.  In fact, I had already said that I believed that Chizik "at the time of their hiring" was a better fit.

Again, I only kept it simple and didn't add to, or try to change the direction of the opinions I was offering.  That was you.
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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2009, 06:07:06 PM »
No. I didn't ask that.  I asked "Were all of them fireballers out of the gate?"

The answer was no, even using your info.

For this to be a logical retort, you'd have to recognize Chizik and Shula as being equal.  I don't.  So, this means nothing to what I've said.  In fact, I had already said that I believed that Chizik "at the time of their hiring" was a better fit.

Again, I only kept it simple and didn't add to, or try to change the direction of the opinions I was offering.  That was you.

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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2009, 09:26:30 PM »
I've already explained this.  But I will try again. 

Chizik is not a smart man.  Well, he's smart in that he's ripping Auburn for $2M a year, but that's because Jay Jacobs is dumber than he is. 

I've known people like Chizik all my working life.  I've had bosses with his mentality. I've coached against people like him. 

What I see in Chizik is somebody who thinks he knows what he is doing, but the simple fact is that he does not. The problem is that you can't tell him he doesn't.  It's why he says the exact same things, almost verbatim, that he said at ISU.  He doesn't understand that he failed at ISU and that maybe, just maybe some of that fucking blueprint he carries around might have flaws in it.  No, he can't see that nor can it be explained to him. The blueprint works.  If it didn't work at ISU it's not because of the blueprint, it's because the players were assholes or the administration didn't support him or he didn't have enough good assistants or the footballs were filled with pudding. It's not the blueprint. 

The second part of this equation is the focusing on minutiae.  Chizik is the kind of boss who will make rules regarding paper clip distribution and TPS cover sheets.  He thinks that by doing so, he's instilling discipline and establishing order.  But while he focuses on the tree, the forest goes completely to fucking hell.  I know Chizik because I once coached against him -- or his equivalent.  His softball team all had monogrammed bags.  They had a bag holder and each bag had to be turned so the team logo faced the field. Each player had to wear the exact same uniform, down to the length of the pants from the knee. If one wore a wristband, all had to wear the exact same one.  Bats had to be lined up in the dugout by order of length. Helmets were arranged and lined precisely. Failure to meet any of these rules resulted in punishment running.  My team was less structured. We beat the bleeding fuck out of Mr. Minutiae's team every time.

I've had bosses like that (and so have most of you).  Sales are off so they start raising hell about people using TWO paper towels in the restroom instead of one.  And they install the automated dispensers to cut down on excess towel usage. 

I'm telling you -- as I have been from the day this was announced -- Chiz is a fuck up.  Hiring him was one of the worst mistakes Auburn football has ever made.  It's on par with Ole Miss hiring Ed Orgeron. 

I think you're 95% right, but it's that 5% that I'm hanging onto.  And honestly, that 5% when it comes to Auburn is enough for me to be 100% gung ho about this football team. 

Chizik does have some quirks...but doesn't every football coach?  Doesn't EVERY "great" football coach have some bullshit that people don't like?  Saban is a fuck up in the media, and regardless of what analysts said about him when he left Miami, he's doing exactly what he wants to do at Alabama.  Urban Meyer is a egomaniac and has criticized Spurrier's old players - does it look like Florida fans and/or players care?  Hell, going back to Saban, he's practically kicking players off the team because he god damn feels like it.  Some say that blueprint is a recipe for disaster, but has recruiting slowed down for Alabama yet? 

Bear Bryant ran a concentration camp, but he's revered by every player that played for him.  Tommy Tuberville was nothing more than a face on the practice field, and he might as well been discussing his garden with the old folks while the hitting was going on.  Would Tuberville's apathetic attitude hinder him from going 14-0?

Chizik likes to be nitpicky with helmets and dress code.  It sucks, and it makes him look like a moron.  However, the man has a tremendous amount of support, and he somehow lured hot coaching prospects away from their already successful jobs just so they could coach at Auburn.  Something about that tells me high quality coaches have faith in Chiznick. 

We'll see how Chizik handles being Auburn's coach in about four weeks.  Until then, I'm going to give him every bit of support I can muster; I would really hate to eat crow served by my own fanbase because I predicted my own team to suck. 
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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2009, 09:46:25 PM »
No chizik does not have a tremendous amount of support. He has a little support in high places and several people that despite it all support Auburn University.
The bottom line on what his coaching abilities are is quite simple if you broke down and ranked the conference subdivisions as individual conferences and made that whole shooting match a power listing of conferences the SEC West would rank 1,2,or 3 as the strongest conference in the land. The Big 12 north would be somewhere about the CUSA level.
If you can't out coach CUSA level competition with CUSA level players how in the holy hell are you going to out coach SEC West coaches with SEC West level players?
How would Mississippi State with Croom at the helm have fared had it played  chizik's Big 12 north schedule and out of conference opponents?
The bottom line is he has managed to hang onto to some powerful coattails but when the time came for him to walk the sidelines and coach up a winner he was too busy lining up the helmets to be able to do his job.
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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2009, 07:26:16 AM »
I would really hate to eat crow served by my own fanbase because I predicted my own team to suck. 

This doesn't matter to me at all.  I haven't "predicted the team to suck" and I haven't denigrated any of the players.  Only that I do not have a good feeling about Chizik at all.  He's our Mike Shula/Mike DuBose, our Ed Orgeron, our Gerry Faust, our Gerry DiNardo, our Wayne Fontes.  Get the picture? The real key to Chizik is who we hire AFTER him and how long it takes the idiot administration to realize we have to make a change.

Chizik hired a good staff -- on paper.  We don't know how they'll mesh and, frankly, they aren't any better than what we had before.  So that's really a wash.  Still, I'd be relatively positive if we'd hired ABC (anybody but Chizik) as head coach.

If Tuberville had stayed and hired Roof there would have been plenty of head scratching and not a lot of confidence.  But because Chizik hired him you've got people here claiming he's some kind of defensive mastermind. Whatever. Don't begrudge people wanting to be optimistic but that doesn't mean I'm going to abandon common sense and join them. 

I do agree with GW on one count, though. Chizik does not have "a tremendous amount of support."  In a few narrow enclaves like this, you'll find a group of people who are supportive, but out in the open world support is lukewarm at best. It won't take much for the mob to turn unruly and light the torches.

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Re: Line them helmets up right, boy!
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2009, 09:10:42 PM »
I've got the matches!! :thumbsup:
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