I was talking to a guy tonight who didn't have a great deal of book education. But that fella has some street smarts. He offered up the most brilliant idea I have maybe ever heard when it comes to federal government.
"Shut Washington down..."
That'd fix some shit.
I could not agree more. Excellent idea.
These elected officials regardless of party are so damn full of themselves that they've forgotten who the hell they represent and just who the hell they work for. They are spending money as faster than the Treasury can print dollars and now they want to take over our Healthcare when they can't even fucking run Medicare and Medicaid right (and the fuckers will 'exempt' themselves from whatever healthcare they'll force on us anyway). I've been reading in the past few days about these fucking Republipukes and
Democrats socialists both who have been canceling the Townhall meetings in their districts because they don't want to answer to their constituents who are mad as hell and aren't going to take the ass-raping taxation anymore!
The Tea Parties were just the beginning.
Revolution is brewing.