I went to the tea party in ATL back in April. Got home, turned on Fox to find out that Hussein Obama and his commie cohorts had labeled us "right wing radicals" and "extremists". Wow....got us there Hussein. And to him I offer a .... 
I was at the "Obama The First 100 Days" Townhall Meeting up in Cobb County; missed that April Tea Party though, unfortunately, but I was glad to see the massive turnout. We had a huge turnout at the Townhall Meeting I mentioned.
Chairman Maobama and "San Fran Nan" Pelosi think they can discredit the grass roots movement happening now (even resorting to calling us "Astroturf" recently); but 'change' is coming for them and they are learning that they don't have the mandate to run America into debt for the next millennium to pay for their social engineering schemes and bailouts.
The impression I get is that folk are getting fed up with all of them regardless of party.