So, are people actively inviting me to join their facebook applications? I always thought they just signed up for an application, and it invited everyone on their friends' list.
Nope, they have to actually click a box beside your name to be invited. You have the douchebags like me though, that doesn't single out anybody. I just click everybody on my list and send them the invite. However, I only play the games. I don't get into all of that "I am sending you a beer" or hug or which TV cartoon are you crap. I might take a little quiz or participate in an application that looks interesting, but I don't send those to other people.
As far as the games, I used to not send any of those to my friends either. Then I started getting invites to games from people who I had assumed had no interest in them at all. So, I stopped assuming everybody else was not interested and sent them also. Now I see that apparently it annoys some of you. Nice to know that now. <Evil laugh>
Hey boartitz, I have a real garden also, but I still like to play the game. I wish my real garden looked as good as the one on the computer looks. I broke new ground this year and all of the freakin' heavy rain has made it hard to keep all the grass and weeds at bay and my corn was blown over three separate times from the damn high winds.
So, who all have I not sent any game invites to yet? I need some more members on some of them.